The UFF-UCF community is saddened to hear of the passing of Professor Pat Angley in the English Department. Pat served on the UFF Council and on the UCF chapter Membership Committee for many years. She was a strong supporter of faculty throughout UCF and a crucial part in the necessary work of maintaining the union. For many UFF-UCF members, the first official communication they received upon joining was from Pat, welcoming them into our organization and encouraging them to get more involved in faculty rights and shared governance. All this volunteer work was in addition to her extensive efforts as a leader in the English Department and to her dedication to teaching. All of us on Council enjoyed working with her, and we will miss her greatly.
By Yan Fernandez
You can leave a message online to Pat’s family here.
For those interested in supporting Pat’s memory with a donation to the UCF Foundation in Pat’s name the information is below:
Mailed cash or checks:
Please send checks to the UCF Advancement Office: 12424 Research Parkway, Suite 250, Orlando, FL 32826. Note in the memo portion of the check that this gift is for “English Department – in memory of Pat Angley.”
Give Online:
Go to the Foundation Giving Page:
Under “Create Your Gift” → Choose the Search box and type in “English” to choose the “English Department” fund.
Under “Gift Details” → Click drop down to add that the gift is in “Memory of Someone” and type in “Pat Angley.”