Mask Distribution

We purchased 2,000 N-95 masks to give to every instructor of record for each class taught in person this fall. This includes all faculty, adjuncts and graduate assistants. It is a mammoth task to distribute these masks quickly, and we want to thank VP Jana Jasinski and her staff in Faculty Excellence for helping us in distributing these masks to the various colleges. Please be patient as the masks are distributed. Your colleges should have already received these masks or will soon. You can coordinate with your chair or ask your dean to distribute however many masks are needed per department/school/unit. Since we may not have an exact count, your college may run out of masks. If so, please contact me [] and we will get masks to you as soon as we can. We have a second batch of masks on their way to cover anybody who is not reached initially.

COVID MOU #4-Fall 2021

On Wednesday August 25 our bargaining team again asked to negotiate a new COVID MOU for fall 2021. We asked many of you to attend and we had about 70 people show up interested in a potential COVID MOU. You can hear the discussion at this link.

We did not reach an agreement. Thus far, other FL state universities, including the University of North Florida, FSU,  and the University of West Florida have completed bargaining fall 2021 COVID MOUs on behalf of faculty. At UCF, we too need to negotiate COVID policies to ensure public health, such as the right to hold virtual office hours. Interim Provost Michael Johnson said this is the case, but it is not official policy and could be overturned at any time. An MOU will ensure it cannot be changed on a whim during the pandemic. Stay sate, informed, and contact us with any queries.  We will hold a bargaining session on Wednesday, September 1, from 1:30 pm-3:30pm. During the first 45 minutes, we will discuss the fall COVID MOU proposal. You can join us by emailing Briannis Weston [] and ask her for the Zoom link.

COVID Feedback Survey

Our union has created this form for you to give us feedback on what we can do to assist the Bargaining Unit during the current pandemic. Use this form to share your thoughts and any suggestions you may have for union leadership or for the bargaining team.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello,
President UFF-UCF