UFF-UCF Constitution
Article I: Name
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the United Faculty of Florida, University of Central Florida Chapter.
Article II: Objectives
Section 1. To bring faculty and professional employees of the University and the State University System into a relationship of mutual assistance and cooperation in order to obtain and maintain for them the rights and privileges to which they are entitled.
Section 2. To promote a democratization of the University that will enable members of the university community to better serve the people of the State of Florida.
Section 3. To achieve and safeguard due process and academic freedom.
Section 4. To combat all forms of discrimination based on age, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political belief, race or color, ethnicity, religion/non religion, residency status, veteran status, sex, parental status, pregnancy, or sexual orientation in the University, the State University System, and society.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Active Membership All faculty and professional employees holding regular, visiting, provisional, research, affiliate, or joint appointments in the position classifications listed in Appendix A of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Regents and the United Faculty of Florida shall be eligible for active membership except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and Bylaws and the U.F.F. state Constitution and Bylaws. The right to vote and to hold elective office shall be limited to active members except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and Bylaws
Section 2. Non-Voting Membership Non-voting membership shall be open to retired teachers and others eligible for membership who withdraw from the profession and who wish to maintain affiliation and, upon approval of the Chapter Council, to other persons who are interested in advancing the cause of education but are not eligible for active membership.
Section 3. No discrimination shall ever be shown toward members or applicants for membership because of age, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political belief, race or color, ethnicity religion/non religion, residency status, veteran status, sex, parental status, pregnancy, or sexual orientation.
Article IV: Officers and Executive Council
Section 1. The membership shall biennially elect by secret ballot a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an appropriate number of Senators, and four Alternate Senators, consistent with United Faculty of Florida State Bylaws. Officers, Senators, and Alternate Senators serve for a term of two years. Elected officers are also Senators.
Section 2. The Chapter Council shall be composed of the elected officers, Senators and four Alternate Senators and the appointed chairs of the standing committees. The Chairpersons of the standing committees shall be ex officio non-voting members of the Chapter Council.
Section 3. Vacancies in the office of an elected officer or Senator shall be filled within thirty days of the occurrence by the President with the consent of a majority of the Chapter Council. The seat of an officer or Senator who is not represented for two consecutive meetings shall be declared vacant, unless the absence is excused by the Council or a majority of the officers.
Article V: Affiliations
Section 1. The United Faculty of Florida shall maintain affiliation with the Florida Education Association (FEA), National Education Association (NEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations).
Section 2. The chapter shall seek affiliation with other groups having purposes similar to the objectives of UFF.
Article VI – Referenda, Recall and Due Process
Section 1. Proposed actions, including amendments to the Constitution and recall of elected officers, shall be submitted to a referendum vote by order of the Chapter Council or by request of at least twenty percent of the members. The Chapter Council shall ensure that ample opportunity is given for pro and con arguments to be given to the membership and shall ensure that the membership has the opportunity to vote by a fair and secret ballot.
Article VII – Amendment
Section 1.This constitution may be amended as follows: The proposed amendment shall be distributed to all members at least thirty days prior to a vote. A vote of two-thirds of those voting shall be sufficient to adopt the amendment.
This Constitution and Bylaws were last amended by our members on March 25, 2018.
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the University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816
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