Greetings all, the ratification of the CBA 2021-2024 ended just before midnight last night. The vote was Yes – 391, No – 20, Abstain – 0, the ratification of our new contract passes the bargaining unit. The CBA will next go to the UCF Board of Trustees for a vote and if it passes it will become our next contract.

I want to thank everyone who voted in this ratification.

I want to thank the bargaining team, Talat Rahman, John Raible, Yovanna Pineda, Kevin Coffey, Latarsha Chisholm, Lisa Danker Kritzer, Alfons Schulte, Beatriz Reyes Foster and Monique Levermore. Thanks also to Claudia Schippert who assisted us with Grievance related items in the CBA and Nick Shrubsole who made sure our CBA page was updated quickly so you all could be informed after each session. If you know any of these people please show them your thanks and appreciation for their efforts during the fifteen and half months of negotiations.

Most of them volunteered their time in regular bargaining sessions and weekly team meetings.

A big thanks to all the people who showed up each week to our bargaining sessions to support our bargaining team, we are grateful and in your debt for this unprecedented support.

Our union works best when you are engaged and the CBA process demonstrated that we are interested and we are engaged.

In solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President