Salaries Update and More

Salaries Update and More

Update on Salaries

As we emerge from the pandemic, I am trying—as I’m sure you all are—to process all that has happened in the past 16 months. I wish to share some reflections from UFF-UCF Chapter Leadership as we continue to put the past year in perspective.

As we reflect, UFF-UCF would like to address salary increases. The chapter’s Bargaining Team introduced a proposal for a 3.5% increase in our base salary in February 2021. You can review all bargaining updates at to read the salary proposal.

Both President Cartwright and Interim Provost Johnson have agreed with UFF-UCF that UCF has hard-working bargaining unit members who went beyond the call of duty to teach, research, and labor during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, neither Provost Johnson nor President Cartwright have offered or hinted about potential raises. Below are some reasons why faculty deserve a raise:

  1. UFF-UCF believes our faculty deserve a salary increase because it is long overdue. Our last increase was in fall 2019. Since then we have received no across-the-board raises.
  2. During COVID19, we worked strenuously and are now expected to return to “normal” without any break or compensation for our labor.
  3. UCF has seen yet another increase in student enrollment, up by more than 2,400 students from 2019/20 to 2020/21 (UCF Facts). Owed to the pandemic and hiring freeze, we have fewer faculty teaching larger classes than before the pandemic.
  4.   According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic, the consumer price index rose 5 percent between May 2020 and May 2021. We are merely requesting a base salary raise of 3.5%. In keeping with the spirit of good faith bargaining, we request to negotiate salary that takes into account cost-of-living, appropriate compensation, and university budgets. (
  5. A pay raise is possible. The new fiscal year begins July 1, 2021. We expected serious budget cuts to state universities as a result of the economic impact from COVID-19 Pandemic, however, the state higher education budget looks better than anyone predicted with funding from federal relief sources.

HB 233

Many of you have been asking about HB 233, the legislation that introduces an “Intellectual Diversity”survey and the right of students to record classroom lectures. UFF is waiting until the details of the various policies emerge. What we know is that the language of the legislation for the survey is not only vague but it also does not make the survey mandatory; it only requires that the Board of Governors (BOG) and each public university create and dispense the survey. The legislation does not compel employees to take the survey. We expect the BOG and UCF to not make this survey mandatory. When more information comes out we will update you concerning this legislation. As to the recording of lectures we also expect UCF to address this concern shortly. When I learn more about this part of the legislation I will update you.

The UFF President and Vice President sent the following announcement out about preparing for HB 233. You can read their recommendations here.

Summer Consultation

Each semester UFF-UCF and the UCF administration have a consultation session to discuss matters unrelated to grievance or bargaining. We plan to speak mostly about the fall return. Consultation will be on July 13th from 9:00am-10:30am on Zoom. For more information and the Zoom link contact me at

UFF-UCF Podcast

We have released Episode 3 of the UFF-UCF Podcast. In this episode we interviewed the President and Vice President of UFF. Please check out the latest “Episode 3-Meet the New President and Vice President of UFF or Did I Miss Another Presidential Inauguration?” You can access the episode on Anchor here or on YouTube here. Please check out our previous episodes as well.

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

COVID #3 MOU Ratification Results

COVID #3 MOU Ratification Results

The ratification closed and the results of the ratification of the COVID #3 MOU is below:

Yes – 229
No – 4
Abstain – 2

Thank you to the Elections Committee that oversaw the process of ratification and thanks to everyone who took the time out to vote.

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

UCF Draft Policy

UCF Draft Policy

This is an announcement. UCF has posted a draft policy, it is 4-216 DRAFT High Risk Entity Policy. Please look it over, especially those of you who are either international faculty or your research, grants and/or scholarly associations are overseas.

This new policy is in response to the Florida Legislature and their recent Statute 288.860.

According to this legislation there is a scrutiny of any professional relationships with foreign counties of concern. According to the legislation, a “Foreign country of concern” means the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Cuba, the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro, or the Syrian Arab Republic, including any agency of or any other entity under significant control of such foreign country of concern.”

The policy draft directs you to a list of international organizations labeled “High Risk Entities.” 

The UCF Policy is below:

The Link to Comment on it (note for 14 days) is below:

If this impacts you please comment on this policy, if you want to alert our union of anything in the policy please contact us.

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

Salaries Update and More

New Podcast Episode and Reminder

Update-New Podcast Episode:

We have produced a second podcast episode (Episode 2 The Ethics of the Fall Return or Are We Jonathan Swifting Our Children) for our UFF-UCF podcast. You can access the podcast on Anchor or on our YouTube channel here.  Please check it out, share it on social media and subscribe for future episodes.

Reminder-Stewards Program Initiative 

Your leadership team will launch a Stewards Program in the fall. We will be looking for members to volunteer to be a local liaison or point person for the union in each unit/division across campus. What this means is that we will have a designated person in each department, school, and division that can answer questions, communicate with you locally, and assist in keeping members engaged and informed throughout the year.

To provide more information and answer questions about the Stewards Program we will be hosting a Stewards Virtual Town Hall on June 17, 2021 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President

Announcement Online Ratification & Stewards Town Hall

Announcement Online Ratification & Stewards Town Hall

This is the official announcement that we will be having an online ratification for COVID MOU #3, recently bargained by our UFF-UCF Bargaining Team. I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for COVID MOU #3 linked here.

The COVID MOU #3 contains the following:

Tenure Clock Extension:

Some extensions to tenure clocks are pre-approved, however, “Tenure-earning faculty who are not eligible for this tenure clock extension opportunity may still apply for a tenure clock extension, with supporting documentation, using the standard form on the Faculty Excellence website: Such requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.”

Return to Campus:

The University shall permit faculty whose supervisor has determined that the employee’s assignment does not require them to return to campus to work in a remote setting through August 7, 2021.

AESPs and Work During the Pandemic:

Supervisors should, in alignment with their department/unit’s AESPs, take into account the fact that research routines have been disrupted due to the pandemic in evaluating faculty in annual evaluations and promotion portfolios.

Remote Instruction:

The University shall continue to provide support and training for remote instruction.

If a majority vote “yes,” the MOU will be adopted immediately upon ratification by UCF’s Board of Trustees.

If a majority vote “no,” bargaining teams for both sides will return to the bargaining table and continue negotiating.

I will send an email out on June 2 with the link to the online Ballot. You will be able to vote through a three week window until voting ends and we announce the results. The three week window will be from June 2 until June 23. We will announce the results on June 24.

Rationale: Ratifying this MOU establishes important rights and guidelines during the summer while we are still engaging the pandemic and its consequences. Upon successful ratification the MOU will be in effect until August 7 or the state of emergency in Florida has officially ended.

Stewards Program Initiative 

Your leadership team will launch a Stewards Program in the fall. We will be looking for members to volunteer to be a local liaison or point person for the union in each unit/division across campus. What this means is that we will have a designated person in each department, school, and division that can answer questions, communicate with you locally, and assist in keeping members engaged and informed throughout the year.

To provide more information and answer questions about the Stewards Program we will be hosting a Stewards Virtual Town Hall on June 17, 2021 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Please contact for registration information.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President