Bargaining Updates

Bargaining Updates

Vaccination Reminder

I heard from many of you that you received your first vaccination shot with not problem and you only needed your driver’s license and UCF ID. The FEMA vaccination site is open from 7am-7pm. WESH News 2 has this FAQ concerning the site. Many of your colleagues have reported getting their first shot vaccinations without any problem and not much waiting.

Full Book Bargaining Town Hall

Tuesday March 9 at 5pm we will be hosting our next Full Book Bargaining Town Hall. At the previous two Town Halls we discussed Article 23: Salaries, Remote Teaching, Article 8 Appointment, Article 10: Employee Performance Evaluations and Sabbaticals.

Please come and join the conversation and add your concerns to the conversations.

Here is a link to the CBA that was negotiated in 2019.

The Bargaining team is your voice, they want to hear from you about the matters most important to you. Register for the Town Hall at the link below:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Mar 9, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Faculty Vaccinations

Faculty Vaccinations

I want to send this brief email out to all bargaining unit members to alert you that the Orlando Sentinel is reporting that staff at the Valencia College West FEMA site are vaccinating UCF faculty.

According to the article, “The federal COVID-19 vaccination site at the Valencia College West Campus in Orlando appears to have given vaccines to university professors if they showed their faculty ID card, according to a faculty member who received one.”

I don’t know if and how much of this is official but I thought this information is valuable to us as college and university faculty were left off the recent decision by the Governor and other state leaders to vaccinate us along with K-12 faculty.

I cannot confirm how long this will last but the article ends with this cautionary statement, “Regarding that site, FEMA spokesman Marty Bahamonde said the agency is looking into the claims, adding that the site and others should be following state and federal guidelines.”

According to the article and union members who have personally confirmed in email and texts to me that they have been successfully vaccinating at this site with only a UCF ID.

Valencia College, West Campus
1800 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32811

Directions to Valencia West Campus are here.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President

Full Book Negotiations Virtual Town Halls

Full Book Negotiations Virtual Town Halls

We are now immersed in bargaining your next 3 year contract (2021-2024). Your Bargaining Team will do their best to negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with UCF BOT that protects the interests of our in-unit members, be it in salaries and raises, awards and honors, or general working conditions. We need and want to hear from you. The Town Halls will be organized through ZOOM. The first one was a success we had 36 people attend. If you could not please attend one of our three upcoming Town Hall meetings.

To ensure cyber security, we are requiring you to sign up for the meeting by sending an email to either Talat Rahman ( or Robert Cassanello ( You will be sent a ZOOM link via return email upon request.

All feedback is welcomed and anyone in the Bargaining Unit can attend and participate whether one is a member of the union or not.

Here is a link to the CBA that was negotiated in 2019.

February 10 @ 5pm

March 9 @ 5pm

April 12 @ 5pm

Talat Rahman
Chair and Chief Negotiator, Bargaining Team, UFF-UCF

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

UFF Legislative Update

UFF Legislative Update

UFF’s work to advocate on behalf of our members and higher education now pivots to the 2021 Florida Legislature. In fact, this work began shortly after the November election when local chapters were supplied with a template and encouraged to send letters to all elected and reelected legislators, congratulating them and introducing their UFF chapter representatives. We see this as the first step towards building healthy, long-term relationships with our legislators, regardless of party.

UFF’s Government Relations Committee’s structure and programs will be expanding and evolving this year. In addition to the statewide GR Committee chaired by Matthew Lata, there will be several subgroups and working groups coordinated by President Karen Morian. Additionally, we will be assisting the chapter GR Committees with their lobbying efforts and local work by providing assistance and resources.

*If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to your local chapter leaders.

Our top state legislative priority, as always, is funding. We hope to preserve the 2020 budget that they passed last year, and which funds the state through the end of June 2021.

We are currently watching several pieces of proposed legislation of particular interest to UFF and Higher Education. Some include ideas and changes we have seen before:


UFF will be monitoring prospective changes to the State Group Health Insurance plan. As this affects our university faculty, UFF will work in partnership with the FL AFL-CIO and other public-sector unions whose members would be impacted by any such changes.


UFF will be monitoring prospective changes to the FRS, including language which would close the defined benefit option to new hires which could destabilize the system. UFF will be working in partnership with the FL AFL-CIO and other public-sector unions retirement security options for all public employees. This will be a costly and disastrous change to one of the country’s strongest retirement systems. 

SB 220 is an attempt to remove state college and university president searches from the oversight required by Florida’s Sunshine Laws. UFF opposes this bill as these decisions should be made transparently. We believe the lack of transparency opens up this process to all manner of corruption. Rep. Ramon Alexander (D-Tallahassee) is expected to again sponsor this in the House. As it takes a 2/3 vote to remove proceedings from the Sunshine, we will push to stop this in the Senate (again) this year. We will need your engagement and testimony to keep searches in the sunshine, not in the shadows.

HB 233/SB 264 would require an annual assessment of the “members of the college community” (including universities and colleges), asking people to reveal their political perspectives and beliefs, without indicating how this information would be used. There are several reasons to oppose this bill: it is an unnecessary expense, it has not been statistically valid in other states (and yet they reference those surveys to support the need here in Florida, it would open up the possibility of a political litmus test tied to employment (last year conservative Senator Rob Bradley likened it to McCarthyism and urged that it be voted down every time it came back), it includes language which would allow students to film faculty in class and disseminate the film online, but has no reciprocity for faculty. In addition to our Tallahassee leaders, our UFF-FAU and UFF-FGCU leaders have done important work by meeting with their legislators and providing them with important information.

SB 78 is a government overreach/union-busting bill that would require public employee union members to re-join the union every time we have a new CBA or every three years. It also inserts the institutions’ HR departments between members and the union, requiring them to verify with the member that they did, indeed, intend to join their union. As of now, there is no timeline for how long HR can take to process a renewal form, problematizing an individual’s active membership status and raising questions about whether they are covered by the union insurance policy or for grievance purposes. UFF and FEA made a huge impact in speaking in committee against this bill, reinforced by thousands of emails from members opposing the bill. For now, it has been “temporarily postponed” but we will need to stay engaged.

HB 553/SB 176 The Graduate Assistant fee waiver bill is one we have been working on for a number of years. These fees have risen exponentially over the last decade, rendering meaningless the hard-won tuition waivers and stipend increases our union has secured. Thanks to Senator Cruz and House Representative Goff-Marcil for sponsoring this bill. Its path begins in the Senate Education committee. Our Graduate Assistants United members have been reaching out to legislators and raising awareness on the plight of many grad workers who have been forced to choose between childcare, medicine, and fees. We have reason to hope that some version of this will pass this year, but we must fight for this to be a priority.

HB 281/SB 0052 is a large post-secondary education bill, most of which UFF has no position on. However, it does include some bonus-pay-for-new hires language which may conflict with existing collective bargaining agreements. It also provides public funding for private dual enrollment high school students to attend public college. We are not in favor of either of these sections.

HB 6001 is a Guns-on-Campus Bill (UFF Senate has passed a resolution opposing this.) This bill does not have a lot of support in the leadership, nor does it have a Senate companion bill.

To stay up to date, follow UFF on social media:

Facebook: @UnitedFacultyofFlorida

Twitter: @UnitedFacultyFL

OR sign up to track bills at:

OR follow the Legislature yourself on the Florida Channel:

In solidarity,

Karen Morian, UFF President

Jaffar Ali Shahul-Hameed, UFF First Vice President

and Candi Churchill, UFF Executive Director



UFF has been well represented in committee meetings by our Tallahassee members: Martin Balinsky, Matthew Lata, Vincenza Berardo, Ben Serber, Jordan Scott, and Krystal Williams from UFF-TCC, UFF-FSU, FSU-GAU and FAMU-GAU.

We have had assistance from our Executive Director Emeritus and current UFF consultant (Marshall Ogletree) and our colleagues in the FEA Public Policy and Advocacy department (Cathy Boehme and Yale Olenick).

Our sincerest thanks to all.

FEA | 213 S. Adams St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 | 850.201.2800 | Fax 850.222.1840
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