Update Conflict of Interest Draft Policy

Update Conflict of Interest Draft Policy

UCF has posted a new Conflict of Interest reporting policy. If you remember, the last one was withdrawn due to faculty feedback. Please take your time out to look over the draft and if you have any concerns please use the comments feature to communicate with the Office Policies and Procedures. If you want to email me directly with your concerns or comments I welcome that opportunity to hear from you.

A link to the draft is here.

The place to make a comment is here.

You have 14 days to make a comment. Your union leadership will examine the new draft and make comments if necessary.

If you want to examine the other draft policies during this 14 day window you can find them here.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

UFF State Elections, Call for Nominations

UFF State Elections, Call for Nominations

Dear United Faculty of Florida Member,

United Faculty of Florida will hold biennial elections Spring 2021 for statewide positions.

Please email the UFF Elections committee at UFF_Elections@floridaea.org to nominate individuals for the following positions:

UFF Statewide President

UFF First Vice President

FEA Governance Board Members (UFF has two slots)

UFF Delegates and UFF FEA Statewide Delegates to the 2021 and 2022 National Education Association Representative Assembly (Feel free to nominate one or multiple)

UFF Delegates to the 2022 American Federation of Teachers National Convention (Feel free to nominate one or multiple)



The UFF elections committee

Ratification Update, Article 23

Ratification Update, Article 23

I would like to announce the results of the ratification of Article 23.



Total Ballots-444

Invalid Ballots-81

Your one time payment will appear in your January 29, 2021 check. I would like to thank the Election Committee for organizing the ratification and thank those members and people on the bargaining unit that showed up to help, witness or assist in the ratification over the last five weeks. We also had members show up to organize and count ballots tonight, we all owe a debt to them for taking their evening and donating it to the union. The union cannot do its work without volunteers when needed. I know your free time is valuable and those of us who serve as officers and on Council we give you our thanks for the time you spend bargaining our contract, representing us in grievances, and showing up on short notice to count ratification ballots.

This is your union working for you. If you haven’t considered it please think about ways you can volunteer and help your union, help your co-workers and contribute to making UCF a better workplace.

In solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President

Ratification Update

Ratification Update

Get Your Ballot in the Mail

There are only a few days left if you haven’t voted. Get your ballot in the mail ASAP to meet the Wednesday January 27 at 5pm deadline. All ballots must be in the PO Box by that day and time to be eligible.

Ballot Counting Volunteers

We need volunteers to help us count the ballots and witness the ballot count. This is open to anyone in the Bargaining Unit one does not have to be a union member to participate in the counting of ballots for ratification of Article 23: Salaries.

We need people to come to the Oviedo Post Office at 5pm on Wednesday January 27 to witness the removal and transport of the ballots from the Post Office to the counting site.

We need people to help us count the ballots at the Ballot Counting Meeting January 27 at Holiday Inn-the Sapphire Room (1724 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826), 6-8:30 pm. We also need two witnesses willing to watch and sign off on the counting.

All of this will be done with precautions including masks and social distancing at least six feet apart.

If you are interested and can do any of these activities please email me at president@uffucf.org.

Ballot Counting Meeting

We will have two ways for you to view the counting of ballots at the meeting. Please check your email or contact prsident@uffucf.org for more information on this.