Article 23 Ratification Update

Article 23 Ratification Update

I will be updating you on the ratification process for Article 23 over the coming weeks. There are various steps, many still to be worked out. What I would like to announce is that we will be having a ratification by mail, I will formally announce this when all the information for the mail in voting is finalized and we are ready to make an official announcement. The reason for this is because we do not have permission for an online ratification and to get such permission may take two months and hold up this article from taking effect.

While you wait for further instructions, I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for Article 23:Salaries. If you go to our website under “Proposals for 2020-2021 Negotiations” you will see the previous versions of this proposal so you can see what is different from past iterations. If you have questions about the article please email them to me.

If you have questions or concerns about the ratification process please let me know.

Have a safe, healthy and happy semester break.

In solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President

Article 23 Salaries Update

Article 23 Salaries Update

Despite COVID, your faculty union UFF-UCF works for faculty! During 2020, it completed the negotiation of five MOUs, closed three reopener articles, and closed the salary article for 2020-2021. After a long stand-down the administration will offer a one-time payment to all our bargaining unit. UFF is the exclusive union to negotiate on faculty’s behalf.

After repeatedly taking no for an answer and being told there was no money, we are pleased to inform you that we have closed out Article 23 Salaries with a one time $1,200 payment. We have been praised time and time over this year about how the administration was pleased with our performance throughout the pandemic. Your union and your bargaining team is glad that UCF is acknowledging and thanking you all for the hard work you have done and continue to do during this emergency time.

I will follow this message up with next steps. Please continue to check your email for further updates.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

Presidential Forum & Update

President Cartwright and UCF Leadership Open Forum

Please don’t forget today (Friday-Dec. 4) at 3pm there is an open forum at UCF. You have the ability to ask questions of the President and the leadership team. You should have received the email with the links, if not email me and I can provide them.

At Florida Atlantic University the administration made faculty eligible to teach remotely who are 65 or older while we are still only accounting for people who are 70 or over. Since FAU adheres to the CDC age guidelines strictly, why can’t we at UCF?

I have asked this question and I am still waiting for an answer. If you would like an answer to this question considering submitting it for today’s open forum. You can do so below:

“Why does UCF adhere to some of the CDC guidelines for the spring return but not the age requirement? What does the UCF administration know about the people at and over the age of 70 the CDC does not?”

More Spring COVID policies around the SUS

“It doesn’t have to be this way” is the title of an article in the University of Florida student newspaper The Alligator. Only 78 people were granted permission to teach remotely out of 222 who applied. Here at UCF 311 people applied for a waiver to teach online and 271 were approved.

At Florida State University students are not returning until after the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

Work Stoppages and Strikes

United Faculty of Florida has asked me to share the following announcement I have posted on our webpage. Please read over their guidelines for “Penalties of Collective Work Stoppages, Strikes and “Sick Outs” in Florida.”

The Diversity and Inclusive Culture MOU

Don’t forget to vote on the ratification of the the Diversity and Inclusive Culture MOU. The Bargaining Team worked hard over the course of many months to finalize that MOU, please make their efforts worth it and vote. If you need directions for how to vote please reply to this email and I will send you the information. You have until Monday December 7 at 11:56pm to vote.

Have a safe and healthy break.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President


Penalties of Collective Work Stoppages, Strikes and “Sick Outs” in Florida

Penalties of Collective Work Stoppages, Strikes and “Sick Outs” in Florida

Penalties of Collective Work Stoppages, Strikes and “Sick Outs” in Florida

UFF guidance for members during COVID-19 Pandemic

Please also see the UFF memo “Right to Refuse Unsafe Working Conditions” from October 7, 2020. All individual and collective actions come with risks and rewards. Please weigh these before deciding what is best for you, your colleagues and your family’s physical, mental, and financial health and safety.

All public employees do enjoy the constitutional right to assemble and the right to collectively bargain. UFF supports members in exercising these rights. Forms of action that are legal include: “work-the-contract” where you only preform the minimum outlined in your contract (no extra hours, no extra duties), wearing buttons or stickers to meetings/events, protesting/picketing (but not blocking access), as well as speaking out in the press or at events.

The Florida Constitution explicitly states that “public employees do not have the right to strike” (Art. 1, s.6) and this is reiterated by statute (§ 447.505, Fla. Stat.) that lays out harsh penalties for participating employees and unions. Illegal work stoppages include, but are not limited to, a strike or calling-in sick as an organized campaign (a “sick out”).

The union and public employees are subject to the following penalties for a strike or work stoppage:

Public Employees

  • Termination
  • If re-employed, 18 months of probation “at will”
  • If re-employed, compensation cannot exceed that received before the strike and no raise for at least 1 year
  • Forfeit all retirement benefits
  • Possible action against teaching certificate (if applicable)


  • Revocation of certification as the exclusive bargaining agent
  • Revocation of the right of dues deduction
  • Officers and employees fined between $50-$100 for each calendar day of strike
  • $20,000 each calendar day of the strike or the approximate cost to the public for the strike

UFF is obligated to inform you of these draconian penalties. Staff and leaders stand ready to assist all members in their pursuit of a strong voice in decisions that affect the health and lives of workers, students and the public during this unprecedented worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic.

*Distributed by UFF on November 17, 2020

Diversity and Inclusive Culture MOU Ratification Vote

Diversity and Inclusive Culture MOU Ratification Vote

Starting on November 27 we will be voting to ratify the Diversity and Inclusive Culture MOU negotiated by the Bargaining Team. A link to that MOU is here []. You will have from November 27th until December 7 to vote on this MOU. The vote will take place online as with previous recent ratifications. A link to the voting site will be sent out on November 27. Please be on the lookout for it.

All members of the Bargaining Unit are eligible to vote. The results of the ratification will be released by 5pm on December 9.