DYK: The History of UFF

Did You Know?

Faculty members launched UFF in 1968
to defend against discrimination and harassment in academia.

UFF’s origins lie in efforts by faculty to defend academic freedom, defend civil liberties, and end racial discrimination at UF. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, UF administrators fired or denied tenure to outspoken advocates of racial integration and faculty rights. Believing that only a binding contract, with strong grievance procedures, could protect faculty from such harassment, UFF pioneers launched the union in 1968.  After nearly a decade of struggle, UFF achieved a state-wide collective bargaining agreement in 1976 and since then has remained a vigorous and effective agent on behalf of academic freedom and faculty rights. – Bob Zieger, UF Professor Emeritus, History, July 2012. See more at UFF – Our History.

Our UFF-UCF chapter continues the great union traditions that began in Florida in 1968. We work throughout the year to protect academic freedom, defend civil liberties and end racial discrimination while promoting excellence in academic achievement at our institution.

Bargaining Salary Update

Bargaining Salary Update

September 23, 2020

At the 9/16 bargaining session, our UFF-UCF proposal requested a 3% salary raise and a one-time COVID stipend to offset our expenses during the global pandemic. We know our faculty are working hard, and we respect your time, so we present a brief 2-page file of salaries and student ratio that we presented at this session. In it, it shows that UCF salaries are lower than those at our peer institutions (UF, FSU, USF). While at the same time, UCF has a higher student to faculty ratio than any of the other FL state universities. Two-page brief (link)- Our proposals and additional information are available at https://www.uffucf.org/bargaining/

Please join us in our upcoming bargaining sessions. Owed to COVID19, all sessions for 2020 will be held via Zoom. Please contact Briannis Weston for the Zoom code (briannis@ucf.edu).

Collective Bargaining schedule between the BOT and the UFF-UCF:

October 7, 1:30-3:30 p.m. — Bargaining session

October 28, 1:30-3:30 — Bargaining session

November 18, 1:30-3:30 — Bargaining session

December 9, 1:30-3:30 — Bargaining session

Bargaining Sessions, Sept 16 @ 1:30 p.m.

Bargaining Sessions, Sept 16 @ 1:30 p.m.

September 15, 2020

Bargaining Reminder, Wednesday September 16 @ 1:30pm-3:30pm

Don’t forget to come out and support your Bargaining team September 16 from 1:30pm-3:30pm. The session is on Zoom and you can get the details by emailing Briannis Weston. Let’s come out and show our support for our bargaining team as they negotiate Article 23 Salaries. Go here to learn more.  For the latest on Bargaining please visit your UFF-UCF webpage.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello

UFF-UCF Updates, Sept 14, 2020

UFF-UCF Updates, Sept 14, 2020

September 14, 2020

UFF-UCF Updates

We Remember Patricia B. Angley

It is with regret that I announce that one of our dearest members, colleague and friend has passed away. She was a loyal and supportive union member and served on Council for many years. She was invaluable to her colleagues in the English Department and mentored numerous students at UCF. We ask that you keep Pat in your thoughts and hearts during this difficult time. The College of Arts and Humanities has created an In Memoriam page to remember her. At the bottom there is information for you to share a video memory or donate to a scholarship fund in her name.


Your Bargaining team, led by Yovanna Pindea, has a bargaining session on September 16 from 1:30pm-3:30pm. The session is on Zoom and you can get the details by emailing Briannis Weston. Let’s come out and show our support for our bargaining team. For the latest on Bargaining please visit your UFF-UCF webpage.


We will be communicating with you regularly on the latest with the union. On our webpage under Events you will see notices of important meetings. This Thursday September 17, from 2pm-4pm we will have our first Council meeting of the semester, you can find the details there. We are currently updating the website so be sure to regularly check it out as well as join our Facebook group if you are a member to receive up to date information. 

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello

Labor Day Message

Labor Day Message

September 7, 2020

We hope you are enjoying your Labor Day Holiday. Labor Day is an opportune moment to reflect on the ways in which the Labor Movement and Unions have positively impacted workers everywhere. From the weekend to the 40-hour work week and to workplace safety, unions have done great things! At UCF, your faculty union has brought you paid parental leave, but also negotiates raises on your behalf and represents you in bargaining when it comes to your intellectual property rights to COVID-19 policies. UFF-UCF is your voice. 

However, it is important to remember that we live in a “right to work” state which means union membership is voluntary. We have no right to strike or to collect dues from all the people we represent. Right to work laws are meant to quiet our voice and to keep unions weak, and a weak union is less effective in serving the workers it represents.  

A union is only as strong as its collective voice: it is up to us to build a strong union and make clear that we stand united. 

This is a challenging year and return to campus. We are working longer hours than ever before under more stressful conditions than we have ever encountered. Many of us are unexpectedly spending more money on child care, equipment, and internet expenses. Others who had never taught online are now braving distance learning. Tragically, many of us are also dealing with the health consequences of the COVID19 pandemic. We have been asked to do the impossible, and we have risen to the challenge. We were asked to give, and we have given our all for our students, and for UCF. 

Despite many emails of thanks from the administration, our current negotiations over salaries for the 2020-2021 school year have been disappointing: currently, the administration’s offer of raises on the table is zero. 


We deserve more than thanks for our hard work. We deserve compensation. We deserve a raise. Uncertainty hangs around our budget in the coming years, but UCF was not substantially cut this year. It is very possible that, if we do not get a raise this year, we will not be seeing another one in the foreseeable future. 

Now is the time to act. The UFF-UCF bargaining team is meeting the BOT to discuss Article 23 (compensation) on September 16 from 1:30-3:30 PM. It is imperative that the administration know we are paying attention and we stand together to demand fair compensation. 

Please visit the UFF-UCF Bargaining Website to review current proposals and for information on attending bargaining sessions. All bargaining sessions are taking place via Zoom. 

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello, President (he, him, his)
Beatriz Reyes-Foster, Vice President (she, her, ella)
Michael Armato, Secretary (he, him, his)
Jonathan Beever, Treasurer (he, him his)