Reminder and Updates

Reminder and Updates


Don’t forget tomorrow (Wednesday September 29) begins online ratification of the COVID #4 Fall MOU 2021. You can read the MOU here.

Statement on FL Political Overreach

UFF-UCF Council passed the following statement titled, “Statement on FL Political Overreach.” Our union’s governing body decided it was important to release this statement since many of our university leaders have remained silent in the face of a new era of political intimidation and threats of academic freedom targeted at our university communities. Please read over it and share this statement on your social media.

In solidarity,

Robert Cassanello,
President, UFF-UCF

Reminder and Updates

Announcement: Online Ratification for COVID-19 MOU #4 for Fall 2021

This is the official announcement that we will be having an online ratification for COVID MOU #4, recently bargained by our UFF-UCF Bargaining Team. I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for COVID MOU #4.

All members of the Bargaining Unit can vote in this ratification, you do not have to be a member of UFF-UCF to vote, voting eligibility is universal to everyone the union represents, members and non-members. If you are getting this email you are eligible to vote.

The COVID MOU #4 contains the following:

  1. A process on notification if assignments change due to COVID conditions.
  2. The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) will take requests about accommodations from employees with disabilities.
    3. Faculty can hold offices hours virtual during the fall 2021 semester.
    4. A process for all employees in the bargaining unit to work remotely if directed to quarantine by a health care provider.

We have a variance with PERC (Public Employee Relations Commission) that allows us to host an online ratification. You can read it here.

I will send an email out on September 29 with the link to the online Ballot. You will be able to vote through a two week window until voting ends and we announce the results. The two week window will be from September 29 until October 13. We will announce the results on October 14.

Rationale: Ratifying this MOU establishes important rights, mutual expectations and guidelines during the fall while we are still engaging the pandemic and its consequences from the Delta Variant. Upon successful ratification the MOU will be in effect until December 23, 2021.

Fall MOU Ratification Timeline

September 23, MOU is signed
September 23-First notice goes out-with link to MOU, summary of MOU
September 23-28-Read the MOU and prepare for ratification
September 29-First day of ballot access
October 13-End Ballot Access (Two Weeks of voting)
October 14-Announce results

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President

Reminder and Updates

Statement on FL Political Overreach

This statement was approved by the UFF-UCF Council on September 20, 2021.

UFF-UCF supports UCF’s stated mission of:

meeting [our region’s] economic, cultural, intellectual, environmental, and societal needs by providing high-quality, broad based education and experienced-based learning; pioneering scholarship and impactful research; enriched student development and leadership growth; and highly relevant continuing education and public service initiatives that address pressing local, state, national, and international issues in support of the global community.

Fulfilling this mission requires hiring and retaining faculty with expertise in a wide variety of subjects, supporting faculty efforts to contribute to the development of knowledge, fostering collaboration and co-operation among UCF faculty, between faculty and students, and between faculty and other staff. It also requires facilitating research and creative collaborations among faculty from different parts of the region, state, nation, and globe and trusting faculty in their role as publicly engaged intellectuals who speak to the pressing issues of the day both inside and outside of the classroom.

Regrettably, Florida legislation affecting universities, such as House Bill 233 (mandating the assessment of “viewpoint diversity”) and HB 7017 (restricting foreign travel to, and research collaboration with or hiring of persons from “countries of concern”), together with Executive Orders prohibiting vaccine or masking requirements on campuses undermine UCF’s mission. Such acts pose challenges to our safety, question our professionalism, impede our ability to generate and disseminate knowledge, and disregard our expertise on a range of pressing issues from systemic racism to public health. State university policies that suggest all opinions are equally credible, that disincentivize international collaboration, and that fail to value the health and safety of faculty, staff and students are detrimental to UCF’s ability to recruit and retain faculty. If we do not have the intellectual and ethical courage to push back against such political overreach, we can expect UCF’s reputation to decline as coordinated attacks on higher education continue. To suggest that “our hands are tied” in the face of such attacks on higher education is strategically short-sighted, epistemically irresponsible, and ethically questionable.

The United Faculty of Florida, including your UCF chapter, is working tirelessly to protect the well-being of faculty as we attempt to carry out the teaching, research, and public service missions of higher education. (For further information, see resources below.) But a union is only as strong as its membership. We thus ask each of you to help uphold the integrity of higher education by doing one or more of the following:

  • Write President Cartwright and Interim Provost Johnson about your concerns regarding HB 233, HB 7017, Covid protocols and policies, or other matters affecting higher
  • Write Board of Trustee members explaining how State legislation and edicts may be impeding your unit’s–and thus UCF’s–potential for
  • Talk to your non-academic friends and family in Florida. Help them to understand the importance of academic freedom, expertise, and collaboration to our regional, national and global well-being.
  • Share a story of how your work has been negatively impacted by intrusive State policies with your UFF-UCF chapter at
  • If you are not yet a member of UFF-UCF, please join. Encourage colleagues to
  • If you are a member of UFF-UCF, consider joining our Government Relations Committee or participating in lobbying
  • Attend collective bargaining
  • Stay abreast of UFF news and keep your chapter leadership informed of how State laws and policies affect you and your unit by joining UFF-UCF on Facebook and on Twitter.

Additional Articles and Resources

Reminder and Updates

Update on Salaries and Raises

I just wanted to send this update to all bargaining unit members because a number of you have emailed me this week to inquire about our salary negotiations. As you know our bargaining team submitted Article 23 Salaries to the BOT on February 24, 2021. In it we asked for a 3.5% raise this year and 3.5% increase each of the following two years. UCF told us after Labor Day they would know the budget and could begin to negotiate Article 23 Salaries. We have not had a salary increase since the summer of 2019 and our union feels we are due. During that time of no increase the standard of living has climbed 5%. We hope to share information about Article 23 Salaries and bargaining shortly.

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President

Labor Day Message – 2021

Labor Day Message – 2021

It was a year ago, Labor Day 2020, when your newly elected leadership team first messaged everyone to let you know the force and power of your collective voice. One year later and we want you to know that our voice is louder and more focused than ever. On this national holiday we reflect on the common good the labor movement brought to the lives of the American worker, including the standardized workday, overtime pay and the right to organize.

I would like us to recognize our own achievements over the past year on this day of reflection. Our bargaining team negotiated COVID MOUs throughout the last academic year and is currently negotiating a COVID MOU for fall of 2021. In the fall of 2020 our bargaining team successfully negotiated a racism and discrimination MOU. Our union was successful in an Unfair Labor Practice charge against UCF in March of 2021 and we worked with UCF to reel back various policies concerning conflict of interest within colleges that violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Our union defended us as professional educators and public intellectuals when the governor and state legislators attacked us to score cheap political points and proposed bills to weaken the faculty college and university unions throughout the state. We distributed N-95 masks to all instructors of record including adjuncts and graduate students because during this pandemic crisis we thought it important to be good neighbors and community leaders as state lawmakers and education bureaucrats decided to look the other way during our greatest daily average peak so far in the pandemic. When university leadership remained silent as state lawmakers created a strawman out of critical race theory and demagogued us as “Marxist indoctrination centers,” our union stood up and loudly said “NO.”

Our success over the past year is in direct proportion to your support of our union. You’ve individually reached out to us, attended our town halls to voice your concerns and attended bargaining sessions in solidarity with our bargaining team. Union leadership thanks you all and are in debt to you, your support has made the difference. We expect that support will continue to grow as we build into the next year. I have told our UFF-UCF Council, coming into our second year, that we all helped to build a better union, now our job is to build a greater union.

Before we celebrate prematurely, we in union leadership recognize the pressures and difficult working conditions that have been thrust upon us. We know you all are working during conditions which prevent a return to normalcy. Within the limited and narrow channels we have to operate to enact change we are doing the best we can to address our common concerns. We hope you are taking this Labor Day to rest, spend time with your loved one and have at least one day away from the stress and anxiety of our fall return to normal. When we return tomorrow, our union will be busy advocating for you, addressing your concerns and continuing to build a community of support where our local and state leaders have let us down. This is the job of a union, this is the job of our union.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello,
President, UFF-UCF