Jobs with Justice Art Auction and Awards Gala

Jobs with Justice Art Auction and Awards Gala

Celebrate with UFF-UCF members, leaders, and community partners at the 2018 Jobs with Justice Art Auction and Awards Gala!

Tuesday, December 11
7:30 – 10:00pm
Harry P. Leu Gardens
1920 N Forest Ave, Orlando FL 32803

We have limited tickets available to UFF-UCF Members plus one guest, each a $50 value!

Contact Scott Launier at for more information and to inquire about tickets.

Toy Drive!

Toy Drive!

The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) is hosting a Toy Drive with the toys going to children of farm workers. You can deliver the toys and party with union members at the Central Florida AFL-CIO party on Wednesday, December 12 from 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM at the Unite HERE office on 1255 La Quinta Drive, Orlando, FL 32809.

If you would like to donate toys, participate in a wrapping party, or even help with delivery, contact Scott Launier at

LCLAA is one of our AFL-CIO partners, and you can learn more about their organization and membership (dues are only $25 per year) to support their work here:

For more about the Central Florida LCLAA chapter:

Fall 2018 Consultation with the Provost

December 5, 2018
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Millican Hall 395

UFF-UCF 2018 Fall Consultation Agenda

  • PDL applications should not be held up waiting for a dean’s signature
  • Faculty need a paper-based option for evaluations when serving on committees such as promotions, awards and tenure. There is much research that increased screen-reading time negatively impacts eye health. Also, faculty should receive all applications at one time, not one at a time as they come in.
  • Office space expectations and problems related to moving downtown
  • How are students in the summer ACCESS program being placed into courses? Is it true that students are randomly enrolled in classes based on alphabetical order of last names? Is it true that students in the ACCESS program do not get to choose the courses in which they enroll? What is the process by which students enroll in summer courses when they are in the ACCESS program, and is this a process that can or should improve?
  • HR should align language and practices with the CBA. For example—paid parental should not be a memo of understanding nor indicate it requires dean’s approval
  • Departments being grossly overcharged for alterations to labs, etc.
  • Update: Making UCF a more diverse and inclusive campus—how are we doing and what are next steps?
  • Culture of toxic work environments in pockets across the university:
    • management harassment; gender discrimination; micro-aggression; paternalism; cultural miscommunication
    • employee mistreatment; retaliation/fear of retaliation for using or standing up for contract rights

Results of the Nov. 27 Bargaining Session

At the last bargaining session (November 27, 2018), the BOT and UFF teams tentatively agreed on four articles: Sabbatical & Professional Development Programs (Article 22), Payroll Deduction (Article 26), Maintenance of Rights (Article 27), and Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 28).

Our UFF-UCF team submitted our proposal for Article 18 Inventions and Works.

All proposals are publicly available HERE.