UFF-UCF Bylaws

Article I: Rules of Order

Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern in all cases not covered by the Constitution or Bylaws.

Section 2. Quorum shall be a majority of the Council. If quorum is not achieved, business shall be deferred to a subsequent Council meeting. At that subsequent Council meeting, actions may be approved by a majority of the members of the Council who are present. If prompt action is needed and a quorum is not achieved, a majority of the officers may approve actions.

Article II: Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees shall be: (1) Bargaining Committee, (2) Grievance Committee, (3) Government Relations Committee, (4) Diversity and Equality Committee, (5) Publications Committee, and (6) Membership Committee.

Section 2. Chairpersons of each standing committee shall be appointed by the President with the consent of a majority of the Chapter Council.

Section 3. The membership of each standing committee shall be appointed by the committee chairperson.

Section 4. The President may appoint special committees when needed.

Article III: Duties of Officers and Executive Council

Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Chapter Council. He or she shall be ex-officio member of all committees, shall sign all necessary documents and papers, and represent the organization. The President shall make an annual report to the membership.

Section 2.The Vice-President shall represent the President when the President cannot be present and shall exercise those duties prescribed by the President or the Chapter Council. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President normally should serve as President for the period remaining in the existing term. In the event the VP is not available to serve, the Chapter Council will identify and approve a president by a majority of the Council according to Article 1, Section 2.

Section 3. The Secretary shall maintain records of Chapter proceedings and perform other functions as specified by the Chapter Council.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Chapter, shall exercise supervision over the receipt and disbursement of all monies, properties, securities, and other evidence of financial worth of this organization. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for consideration of the Chapter Council and make regular financial reports to the Chapter Council.

Section 5. The Senators shall represent the Chapter at the statewide UFF Senate meetings and the annual Representative Assembly of the Florida Teaching Profession. The President shall assign an Alternate Senator to represent the Chapter at these meetings when a Senator is unable to attend. Senators and Alternate Senators may exercise other duties as prescribed by the Chapter Council.

Section 6. The Chapter Council shall adopt an annual budget and administer the policies of the Chapter as set by the membership. It shall have the power to act for the good of the Chapter in emergency situations where policy cannot be set by the membership. The Chapter Council shall regularly notify the membership of its actions.

Section 7. The Chapter Council shall have the power to employ persons on full or part-time basis. Any member of the United Faculty of Florida who is employed by the United Faculty of Florida shall be paid a salary equivalent to what he or she would earn in the State University System.

Article IV: Duties of the Standing Committees

Section 1. All committees shall be under the direction of and report to the Chapter Council.

Section 2. The Bargaining Committee shall communicate the opinions, desires, and needs of the UFF/UCF bargaining unit to the UFF Bargaining Team and shall communicate bargaining issues and problems from the UFF Bargaining Team to the Chapter Council and membership.

Section 3.The Grievance Committee shall keep records of and supervise all grievance proceedings.

Section 4. The Governmental Relations Committee shall supervise and coordinate all political activities of the Chapter.

Section 5. The Diversity and Equality Committee shall study, disseminate information and make recommendations to improve the status of the university constituency.

Section 6. The Publications Committee shall publish regular Chapter newsletters and such other publications as directed by the President and/or the Chapter Council.

Section 7. The Membership Committee shall endeavor to increase the Chapter membership by membership drives and other activities.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1. All meetings of the Chapter and of its council and committees are open to the membership, except when personnel matters and grievances are being discussed.

Section 2. The time and place of regular chapter meetings shall be fixed by the Chapter Council. Special meetings shall be called by the President within two weeks upon petition of at least 10% of the members.

Section 3. The Chapter Council shall hold a regular monthly meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Chapter Council. All meetings are open to the membership and no member’s right to be recognized shall be abridged or denied.

Article VI: Amendment

Section 1. The Bylaws may be amended as follows: The proposed amendment shall be distributed to the membership at least two weeks prior to a vote. A majority vote of the members voting shall be sufficient to adopt the amendment.

These bylaws and our Constitution were last amended by our members on March 25, 2018.

Article I – Rules of Order

ARTICLE I – Rules of Order

Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern in all cases not covered by the Constitution or Bylaws.

Section 2. Quorum shall be a majority of the Council. If quorum is not achieved, business shall be deferred to a subsequent Council meeting. At that subsequent Council meeting, actions may be approved by a majority of the members of the Council who are present. If prompt action is needed and a quorum is not achieved, a majority of the officers may approve actions.

Article II – Committees

ARTICLE II – Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees shall be:

  1. Bargaining Committee
  2. Grievance Committee
  3. Government Relations Committee
  4. Diversity and Equality Committee
  5. Publications Committee
  6. Membership Committee

Section 2. Chairpersons of each standing committee shall be appointed by the President with the consent of a majority of the Chapter Council.

Section 3. The membership of each standing committee shall be appointed by the committee chairperson.

Section 4. The President may appoint special committees when needed.

Article III – Duties of Officers and Executive Council

ARTICLE III – Duties of Officers and Executive Council

Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Chapter Council. He or she shall be ex-officio member of all committees, shall sign all necessary documents and papers, and represent the organization. The President shall make an annual report to the membership.

Section 2.The Vice-President shall represent the President when the President cannot be present and shall exercise those duties prescribed by the President or the Chapter Council. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President normally should serve as President for the period remaining in the existing term. In the event the VP is not available to serve, the Chapter Council will identify and approve a president by a majority of the Council according to Article 1, Section 2.

Section 3. The Secretary shall maintain records of Chapter proceedings and perform other functions as specified by the Chapter Council.

Section 4. TheTreasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Chapter, shall exercise supervision over the receipt and disbursement of all monies, properties, securities, and other evidence of financial worth of this organization. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for consideration of the Chapter Council and make regular financial reports to the Chapter Council.

Section 5. The Senators shall represent the Chapter at the statewide UFF Senate meetings and the annual Representative Assembly of the Florida Teaching Profession. The President shall assign an Alternate Senator to represent the Chapter at these meetings when a Senator is unable to attend. Senators and Alternate Senators may exercise other duties as prescribed by the Chapter Council.

Section 6. The Chapter Council shall adopt an annual budget and administer the policies of the Chapter as set by the membership. It shall have the power to act for the good of the Chapter in emergency situations where policy cannot be set by the membership. The Chapter Council shall regularly notify the membership of its actions.

Section 7. The Chapter Council shall have the power to employ persons on full or part-time basis. Any member of the United Faculty of Florida who is employed by the United Faculty of Florida shall be paid a salary equivalent to what he or she would earn in the State University System.

Article IV – Duties of the Standing Committees

ARTICLE IV – Duties of the Standing Committees

Section 1. All committees shall be under the direction of and report to the Chapter Council.

Section 2. The Bargaining Committee shall communicate the opinions, desires, and needs of the UFF/UCF bargaining unit to the UFF Bargaining Team and shall communicate bargaining issues and problems from the UFF Bargaining Team to the Chapter Council and membership.

Section 3.The Grievance Committee shall keep records of and supervise all grievance proceedings.

Section 4. The Governmental Relations Committee shall supervise and coordinate all political activities of the Chapter.

Section 5. The Diversity and Equality Committee shall study, disseminate information and make recommendations to improve the status of the university constituency.

Section 6. The Publications Committee shall publish regular Chapter newsletters and such other publications as directed by the President and/or the Chapter Council.

Section 7. The Membership Committee shall endeavor to increase the Chapter membership by membership drives and other activities.

Article V – Meetings

ARTICLE V – Meetings

Section 1. All meetings of the Chapter and of its council and committees are open to the membership, except when personnel matters and grievances are being discussed.

Section 2. The time and place of regular chapter meetings shall be fixed by the Chapter Council. Special meetings shall be called by the President within two weeks upon petition of at least 10% of the members.

Section 3. The Chapter Council shall hold a regular monthly meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Chapter Council. All meetings are open to the membership and no member’s right to be recognized shall be abridged or denied.

Article VI – Amendment

ARTICLE VI – Amendment

Section 1. The Bylaws may be amended as follows: The proposed amendment shall be distributed to the membership at least two weeks prior to a vote. A majority vote of the members voting shall be sufficient to adopt the amendment.

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