Bargaining Update, Dec. 13 2018

Today the UFF and BOT teams made significant progress, tentatively agreeing on eight articles, including nondiscrimination, employee performance evaluations, tenure, and promotion procedure.

UFF-UCF had several wins! We introduced new language in our contract that allows instructors and lecturers to have a say in creating and voting on their own evaluation standards (AESPs). The UFF team also successfully fought back against the BOT’s proposed language to relegate annual evaluations to “supervisor’s judgement” and this language has now been stricken from our tentative agreement, along with other proposed language that may hurt our faculty!

We discussed and are coming closer to an agreement on salaries. BOT team presented a proposal and we offered a counter proposal. We will continue to negotiate salaries on Wednesday afternoon, December 19, 2018 (Time and location TBA). Please check us out on Facebook and our website ( for Upcoming Time and Location!

Results of the Nov. 27 Bargaining Session

At the last bargaining session (November 27, 2018), the BOT and UFF teams tentatively agreed on four articles: Sabbatical & Professional Development Programs (Article 22), Payroll Deduction (Article 26), Maintenance of Rights (Article 27), and Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 28).

Our UFF-UCF team submitted our proposal for Article 18 Inventions and Works.

All proposals are publicly available HERE.

Collective Bargaining Update as of October 25th 2018

Dear Colleagues:

Our union spoke directly to the Board of Trustees (BOT) on September 27th about bargaining in good faith and in a timely manner. Our UFF team consistently has offered reasonable proposals designed to improve our working conditions at UCF, including contract language about benefits, leaves, promotion and tenure procedures, summer appointments, and awards. Click below to view an accurate local newscast about this issue:

What has the BOT team’s response been? They have proposed eliminating nine articles from our contract, which include travel, office space, parking and maintenance of our benefits. The language that the BOT team did add often was punitive or would reduce faculty rights or eliminate written criteria. Meanwhile, in an attempt to circumvent collective bargaining, the university continues to pass regulations and policies that must be bargained.

Our current contract negotiations should have concluded before August 8, 2018. How can we get a fair contract that makes UCF a better university – one that values faculty and does not overload them with work, to the detriment of our students? Here are three steps to take:

1. View the above newscast and share it widely with your colleagues, friends, neighbors, and UCF alumni.

2. Participate in our next bargaining session on Tuesday, October 30th, 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in 395 Millican Hall.

3. Join the United Faculty of Florida. We are the collective voice of our faculty and the newscast explains why our membership is at a record high. Download our membership form.


John E. Fauth, Chief Contract Negotiator (Biology)

Yovanna Pineda (History)

John Raible (Center for Distributed Learning)

Lee E. Ross (Criminal Justice)

Nick Shrubsole (Philosophy)

United Faculty of Florida

UCF Chapter Council