by Nick Shrubsole | Sep 23, 2021 | Bargaining
This is the official announcement that we will be having an online ratification for COVID MOU #4, recently bargained by our UFF-UCF Bargaining Team. I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for COVID MOU #4.
All members of the Bargaining Unit can vote in this ratification, you do not have to be a member of UFF-UCF to vote, voting eligibility is universal to everyone the union represents, members and non-members. If you are getting this email you are eligible to vote.
The COVID MOU #4 contains the following:
- A process on notification if assignments change due to COVID conditions.
- The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) will take requests about accommodations from employees with disabilities.
3. Faculty can hold offices hours virtual during the fall 2021 semester.
4. A process for all employees in the bargaining unit to work remotely if directed to quarantine by a health care provider.
We have a variance with PERC (Public Employee Relations Commission) that allows us to host an online ratification. You can read it here.
I will send an email out on September 29 with the link to the online Ballot. You will be able to vote through a two week window until voting ends and we announce the results. The two week window will be from September 29 until October 13. We will announce the results on October 14.
Rationale: Ratifying this MOU establishes important rights, mutual expectations and guidelines during the fall while we are still engaging the pandemic and its consequences from the Delta Variant. Upon successful ratification the MOU will be in effect until December 23, 2021.
Fall MOU Ratification Timeline
September 23, MOU is signed
September 23-First notice goes out-with link to MOU, summary of MOU
September 23-28-Read the MOU and prepare for ratification
September 29-First day of ballot access
October 13-End Ballot Access (Two Weeks of voting)
October 14-Announce results
In Solidarity,
Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President
by Nick Shrubsole | Sep 1, 2021 | Bargaining, Front Page announcements
Bargaining Today (9-1-2021)
We will hold a bargaining session on Wednesday, September 1, from 1:30 pm-3:30pm. During the first 45 minutes, we will discuss the fall COVID MOU proposal. You can join us by emailing Briannis Weston [] and ask her for the Zoom link.
UCF COVID Policies
Many of you have been reporting to us that university COVID policies were confusing and contradictory especially when an instructional faculty or one (or more) of their students disclose they have tested positive for COVID. Exactly what we are to do to mitigate any negative health outcomes for ourselves or our students remained unclear. UCF has heard your complaints and our complaints about this. Notice that Interim Provost Michael Johnson has circulated a Faculty Guidance Page.
We have distributed N-95 masks with the cooperation of Academic Affairs. Those who were missed in this distribution we were able to cover since. If you did not receive one of your N-95 masks please let me know, or if a group of you have not, let me know the number of masks you need and we will get them to you ASAP. Remember we want to also cover adjuncts and Graduate Teaching Assistants so please include them in your count.
UFF-UCF Podcast
Also check out our latest episode of the UFF-UCF Podcast. The title episode is “HB 233 or a Horrible Solution in Search of a Non-Existent Problem.” I spoke to Yovanna Pineda about the Commentary she wrote about HB 233 for the Orlando Sentinel.
The Podcast link is here
YouTube link is here
Join Us on Social Media
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter. If you are a member and on Facebook join our private group here. If you are not a member follow our public Facebook page here.
In Solidarity,
Robert Cassanello,
President, UFF-UCF
by Nick Shrubsole | Aug 23, 2021 | Bargaining, Front Page announcements
UFF-UCF wants to welcome everyone to the fall semester and we hope for everyone’s continued health and safety during our most recent turn in the pandemic. The New York Times is reporting over 200 hundred deaths as an average for the state of Florida with over 23,000 daily cases still. Right now Orange County’s daily average COVID cases are 1,278 and Seminole County is 428. The Orlando Sentinel also reported yesterday that we are fast approaching peak daily cases of COVID for Florida.
While Faculty Excellence reminds us we “Teaching in a Pandemic… Again,” we want to alert everyone in the Bargaining Unit that we will be meeting with UCF to negotiate a Fall COVID MOU. UCF has been reluctant to agree to negotiate a new COVID MOU since the summer one expired, however we have agreed to an impact bargaining session for this Wednesday August 25th from 2pm-3pm. We are asking everyone who can to join us by emailing Briannis Weston
[] and ask her for the Zoom link. You do not have to be a union member to watch impact bargaining, it is a public meeting.
Last week I alerted you to revisions made to the COVID Decision Triggers behind closed doors, so that the triggers can no longer trigger an actual COVID Decision. Public Schools Boards around the state are electing to require a mask mandate indoors. We are asking UCF to put the popsicle down and bring solutions to the problems and concerns of the Delta Variant that the Bargaining Unit faces. We need you to join us. Email Briannis Weston [] and ask her for the Zoom link.
In Solidarity,
Robert Cassanello
by Nick Shrubsole | Feb 4, 2021 | Bargaining, Front Page announcements
We are now immersed in bargaining your next 3 year contract (2021-2024). Your Bargaining Team will do their best to negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with UCF BOT that protects the interests of our in-unit members, be it in salaries and raises, awards and honors, or general working conditions. We need and want to hear from you. The Town Halls will be organized through ZOOM. The first one was a success we had 36 people attend. If you could not please attend one of our three upcoming Town Hall meetings.
To ensure cyber security, we are requiring you to sign up for the meeting by sending an email to either Talat Rahman ( or Robert Cassanello ( You will be sent a ZOOM link via return email upon request.
All feedback is welcomed and anyone in the Bargaining Unit can attend and participate whether one is a member of the union or not.
Here is a link to the CBA that was negotiated in 2019.
February 10 @ 5pm
March 9 @ 5pm
April 12 @ 5pm
Talat Rahman
Chair and Chief Negotiator, Bargaining Team, UFF-UCF
Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF
by Nick Shrubsole | Jan 27, 2021 | Bargaining, Front Page announcements
I would like to announce the results of the ratification of Article 23.
Total Ballots-444
Invalid Ballots-81
Your one time payment will appear in your January 29, 2021 check. I would like to thank the Election Committee for organizing the ratification and thank those members and people on the bargaining unit that showed up to help, witness or assist in the ratification over the last five weeks. We also had members show up to organize and count ballots tonight, we all owe a debt to them for taking their evening and donating it to the union. The union cannot do its work without volunteers when needed. I know your free time is valuable and those of us who serve as officers and on Council we give you our thanks for the time you spend bargaining our contract, representing us in grievances, and showing up on short notice to count ratification ballots.
This is your union working for you. If you haven’t considered it please think about ways you can volunteer and help your union, help your co-workers and contribute to making UCF a better workplace.
In solidarity,
Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President
by Nick Shrubsole | Dec 28, 2020 | Bargaining, Front Page announcements
This is the official announcement that we will be having a mail ratification for Article 23, recently bargained by the UFF-UCF Bargaining Team. I will send out reminder announcements as well in the new year. I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for Article 23:Salaries. If you go to our website under “Proposals for 2020-2021 Negotiations” you will see the previous versions of this proposal so you can see what is different from past iterations. If you have any questions please let me know and I will address them. On January 11th at 7pm we will host a Townhall on Zoom to answer questions about the wording of Article 23 if you would like some clarification before you cast your ballot, open to anyone in the bargaining unit whether a member of the union or not. Details for how to join the Townhall will be forthcoming in a future announcement.
On December 18, 2020, the United Faculty of Florida at UCF and the UCF Board of Trustees reached tentative agreement on Article 23: Salaries. Faculty will now vote whether to ratify this tentative agreement. The entire Bargaining Unit is eligible to vote, whether a member of the union or not. Again, this vote is open to all 1,652 faculty in the bargaining unit, regardless of whether you are a dues-paying member. This ratification vote will be mail-in only.
If a majority vote “yes,” the article will be adopted immediately upon ratification by UCF’s Board of Trustees.
If a majority vote “no,” bargaining teams for both sides will return to the bargaining table and continue negotiating.
Ballots will be mailed to your home address on January 6, included will be the instructions, ballot, a smaller ballot envelope and a self addressed stamped envelope to our PO Box. Please verify that your home address is accurate in MyUCF, if it is not please email me your updated mailing address. Also, please update your address in MYUCF. Dr. Nina Orlovskaya, the Elections Committee Chair, will open the PO Box to collect envelopes at 5:00 p.m. on Wedenday, January 27 at the Oviedo Post Office, 83 Geneva Drive, Oviedo, FL 32765. The ballots will be counted on the same day at the Holiday Inn, Sapphire Ballroom 1724 N. Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. All faculty (including both dues-paying members and non-members) or representatives thereof are welcome to attend and observe the process. We will follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19, so plan to wear a face mask and observe physical distancing during ballot counting.
Improperly submitted ballots will be reviewed by the Elections Committee Chair, and each will receive a written explanation as to whether it was counted, not counted, or not counted with contingency.
Preface: Since April 2020, the UFF-UCF have been negotiating Article 23 Salaries on your behalf. UFF has fought for wage increases, additional excellent awards for research, and for clarification regarding administrative salary stipends. Our salary proposals are available online at our website The audio and Zoom recordings are available at collective, or you may request them from the administration,
This BOT team’s proposal is the first one that has any monetary compensation, a one-time payment of $1,200. Below is a summary and rationale for the ratification of Article 23 Salaries.
Article 23 – Salaries
Summary: 23.3(b) Provides for a $1,200 one-time payment to be distributed 1/29/2021 to Bargaining Unit Members employed since 6/20/2020 and who earn Satisfactory or above on their 2019-2020 annual evaluation. No permanent salary increase is included and only one Research Excellence university award will continue to be available.
Rationale: Ratifying this agreement will conclude salary negotiations for 2019-2020, and offers some financial compensation to all members of the Bargaining Unit during a time of economic contraction owed to a global pandemic.
Official announcement for mail ratification December 28th (Periodic reminders to follow)
Ballots mailed out January 6th
Townhall on January 11 at 7pm-registration information TBA
Ballots due by January 27th-5pm
Ballot Counting Meeting January 27 at Holiday Inn, 6-8:30 pm
Notify UCF of results January 28 at 9am
Robert Cassanello (he, him, his)
President, United Faculty of Florida at UCF