UFF-UCF Updates, Sept 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
UFF-UCF Updates
We Remember Patricia B. Angley
It is with regret that I announce that one of our dearest members, colleague and friend has passed away. She was a loyal and supportive union member and served on Council for many years. She was invaluable to her colleagues in the English Department and mentored numerous students at UCF. We ask that you keep Pat in your thoughts and hearts during this difficult time. The College of Arts and Humanities has created an In Memoriam page to remember her. At the bottom there is information for you to share a video memory or donate to a scholarship fund in her name.
Your Bargaining team, led by Yovanna Pindea, has a bargaining session on September 16 from 1:30pm-3:30pm. The session is on Zoom and you can get the details by emailing Briannis Weston. Let’s come out and show our support for our bargaining team. For the latest on Bargaining please visit your UFF-UCF webpage.
We will be communicating with you regularly on the latest with the union. On our webpage under Events you will see notices of important meetings. This Thursday September 17, from 2pm-4pm we will have our first Council meeting of the semester, you can find the details there. We are currently updating the website so be sure to regularly check it out as well as join our Facebook group if you are a member to receive up to date information.
In Solidarity,
Robert Cassanello