Announcement Online Ratification & Stewards Town Hall

Announcement Online Ratification & Stewards Town Hall

This is the official announcement that we will be having an online ratification for COVID MOU #3, recently bargained by our UFF-UCF Bargaining Team. I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for COVID MOU #3 linked here.

The COVID MOU #3 contains the following:

Tenure Clock Extension:

Some extensions to tenure clocks are pre-approved, however, “Tenure-earning faculty who are not eligible for this tenure clock extension opportunity may still apply for a tenure clock extension, with supporting documentation, using the standard form on the Faculty Excellence website: Such requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.”

Return to Campus:

The University shall permit faculty whose supervisor has determined that the employee’s assignment does not require them to return to campus to work in a remote setting through August 7, 2021.

AESPs and Work During the Pandemic:

Supervisors should, in alignment with their department/unit’s AESPs, take into account the fact that research routines have been disrupted due to the pandemic in evaluating faculty in annual evaluations and promotion portfolios.

Remote Instruction:

The University shall continue to provide support and training for remote instruction.

If a majority vote “yes,” the MOU will be adopted immediately upon ratification by UCF’s Board of Trustees.

If a majority vote “no,” bargaining teams for both sides will return to the bargaining table and continue negotiating.

I will send an email out on June 2 with the link to the online Ballot. You will be able to vote through a three week window until voting ends and we announce the results. The three week window will be from June 2 until June 23. We will announce the results on June 24.

Rationale: Ratifying this MOU establishes important rights and guidelines during the summer while we are still engaging the pandemic and its consequences. Upon successful ratification the MOU will be in effect until August 7 or the state of emergency in Florida has officially ended.

Stewards Program Initiative 

Your leadership team will launch a Stewards Program in the fall. We will be looking for members to volunteer to be a local liaison or point person for the union in each unit/division across campus. What this means is that we will have a designated person in each department, school, and division that can answer questions, communicate with you locally, and assist in keeping members engaged and informed throughout the year.

To provide more information and answer questions about the Stewards Program we will be hosting a Stewards Virtual Town Hall on June 17, 2021 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Please contact for registration information.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President

Update on New Emergency Policies

Update on New Emergency Policies

This is an important message to all Bargaining Unit Members. UCF has announced a new Emergency Policy (EP-20-6 3-012). According to what we heard from the UCF administration, this is an “emergency” policy and not a permanent policy – which also appears to be the cited reason UCF did not utilize their practice of a 15 day comment period on this policy. Our union does not believe this “emergency” policy is necessary and we are asking UCF to go through established channels of drafting new policies which impact the workplace. According to UCF, should this become a permanent policy they plan to have a comment period. But we already have a number of concerns with the current “emergency” policy.

Among other issues, the policy violates our CBA in numerous ways (such as Articles 1, 9, 10, and 21.)

For example, the policy is in direct conflict with CBA Article 9.1(c):

“(c) It is part of the professional responsibility of employees to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner and place. For example, while instructional activities, office hours, and other duties and responsibilities may be required to be performed at a specific time and place, other non-scheduled activities are more appropriately performed in a manner and place determined by the employee in consultation with his/her supervisor.”

Our union wants you to keep in mind the following:

  1. The language of this policy allegedly applies to “all employees;” however, if you are part of the Bargaining Unit (BU) you are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and when a policy conflicts with the CBA, the CBA is the recognized authority.
  2. The emergency policy seeks to introduce criteria such as a 6 months waiting period or particular evaluations in order to be able to work remotely – but that is not how CBA Article 9 works.

Our union wants you to be alert should this policy be implemented and affect you by violating collectively bargained terms and conditions of work. UCF has agreed to the CBA and acknowledges that the CBA trumps any policies that would be in violation of the CBA.  Therefore, if you have been adversely affected by this new policy please document it and report it to us asap – our grievance team will investigate and can grieve any violations of the CBA, so that all our rights can continue to be protected.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown our resilience in carrying out our assignments in an atmosphere that can be challenging and stressful. We, individually and collectively, have expressed both our hope and frustration in how our civic and workplace institutions responded to various policies in these last sixteen months. Our union remains in solidarity with you and the entire bargaining unit in what we hope will be the final stage of the pandemic.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President

State of the Union Address 2021 and Reminders

State of the Union Address 2021 and Reminders

State of the Union Address 2021

As promised I am sharing our State of the Union Address with all of you through a podcast and on YouTube. You can locate it at our podcast site here. Or on our YouTube site here. We plan to regularly bring you episodes and discuss issues important to us all. Please subscribe or check us out from time to time. 

Reminder Free Coffee

Don’t forget coffee on us this summer. If you give us your name and address (and you are in the bargaining unit), we will mail you a $10 gift card for Foxtail Coffee. They have numerous locations around Orlando, one on University Blvd as well as in the campus bookstore in the John T. Washington Center.

You have until May 10 to put your order in for the card, with cards being mailed out by the end of May. During the summer send us a photo of your cup of coffee.

The form to request the card is here

2021 Florida Legislative Update

We have come to that time where the Florida Legislature has end. They will meet again but just to consider budgetary matters. As far as the state education budget, $5.3 billion has been allotted for the State University System with tuition and fees, as well as funding for need-based financial aid, are held at current levels and were not cut as originally proposed. Additionally, there will be $37.8 million for state university school maintenance.

HB 835/SB 1014 which was a threat to the existence of our unions or others below 50% density did not pass this session. SB 84 which was a threat to the financial security and future of our defined benefit pension program also failed to pass the legislature. 

HB 233 passed which requires faculty at state colleges and universities to take an “intellectual freedom and diversity” survey about your personal beliefs. The governor has not yet signed it, but we should expect he will. We will update you on this legislation as it becomes law.

We should not forget that the state legislature has also made it harder to vote and protest in public. 

Summer 2021 Is Upon Us

On a final note, we in union leadership would like to thank all of you getting through another difficult COVID semester. We appreciate everyone who has supported us during Full Book Bargaining and especially those that have reached out in email or attended one of the Town Halls to share their concerns. We are a stronger Union when we work together and communicate. For those of you who are off this summer, please enjoy your free time. For this of you teaching or fulfilling a summer appointment we are here if you need us, please reach out anytime. And most of all thank you all for your hard work and dedication during these trying times, we in the union leadership raise a glass and we hope to buy you a cup of coffee.

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF, President

UFF-UCF Update and Reminders

UFF-UCF Update and Reminders


Our Bargaining Team negotiated a new COVID MOU through this summer. We will soon host a ratification of this agreement. I will announce details when I know them. Please look over the agreement here.

Reminder Free Coffee

Don’t forget coffee on us this summer. If you give us your name and address (and you are in the bargaining unit), we will mail you a $10 gift card for Foxtail Coffee. They have numerous locations around Orlando, one on University Blvd as well as in the campus bookstore in the John T. Washington Center.

You have until May 10 to put your order in for the card, with cards being mailed out by the end of May. During the summer send us a photo of your cup of coffee.

The form to request the card is here.

Full Book Bargaining

Remember we are still bargaining the next Collective Bargaining Agreement. This will continue throughout the summer and into the fall. We sponsored Full Book Bargaining Town Halls during the spring semester. If you have feedback or want to speak with the Bargaining Team just let us know and we would like to hear what is on your mind. You can see the current state of bargaining on our website here.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello,
President, UFF-UCF

Announcement Online Ratification & Stewards Town Hall

Free Cup of Coffee Announcement and Reminders

Free Coffee on your Union

Many of you have approached us because you miss our regular receptions at Azteca D’ Oro

on University Blvd. We hope to pick up the reception or something like it when it is safe to return to campus and meet in person.

What we want to do is offer you a cup of coffee on us. We want to make this a social media reception. If you give us your name and address (and you are in the bargaining unit), we will mail you a $10 gift card for Foxtail Coffee. In the spirit of the semester reception everyone in the bargaining unit is welcomed not just members. Foxtail has numerous locations around Orlando, one on University Blvd across the street from Azteca D’ Oro as well as in the campus bookstore in the John T. Washington Center.

When you get your coffee (or any other item) please find us on Facebook or Twitter and post a photo of your coffee with a message to everyone.

You have until May 10 to put your order in for the card, with cards being mailed out by the end of May. During the summer send us a photo of your cup of coffee.

The form to request the card is here.

Reminder: Ask us a question!!

Don’t forget your UFF-UCF President will record a State of the Union Message that will be streamed and available as a podcast. I want to take your questions too.

Please go to the link below.

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

UFF-UCF Update and Reminders

UFF-UCF Update

I have two announcements.

Full Book Town Hall April 12th @ 5pm

The Bargaining Team will host the final Full Book Town Hall for this semester on April 12 at 5pm on Zoom. We have gotten great feedback from everyone. The Bargaining Team provided updates on Full Book and listened to your concerns. We can best represent you when we know the issues important to you. These Town Halls are open to all whether you are a member of the union or not. If you haven’t yet been to a Full Book Town Hall and are available on April 12 at 5pm, please register and join the conversation.

When: Apr 12, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please find the link to register in your UCF email.

State of the Union Address-May 1, 2021

I (UFF-UCF president Robert Cassanello) will be recording a State of the Union Address for the Bargaining Unit. I will release this address as a podcast as well as on our YouTube, Twitter and Facebook accounts, on May 1. Since this will be a virtual event, I would like to invite anyone interested to submit a question you would like me to answer or discuss during the State of the Union address. We (the production team) will select some questions (time permitting) to answer in the podcast.  The rest will be addressed online should there be a larger than expected response. You can submit your question anonymously. Please use the link enclosed in your email:

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF