UFF State Elections, Call for Nominations

UFF State Elections, Call for Nominations

Dear United Faculty of Florida Member,

United Faculty of Florida will hold biennial elections Spring 2021 for statewide positions.

Please email the UFF Elections committee at UFF_Elections@floridaea.org to nominate individuals for the following positions:

UFF Statewide President

UFF First Vice President

FEA Governance Board Members (UFF has two slots)

UFF Delegates and UFF FEA Statewide Delegates to the 2021 and 2022 National Education Association Representative Assembly (Feel free to nominate one or multiple)

UFF Delegates to the 2022 American Federation of Teachers National Convention (Feel free to nominate one or multiple)



The UFF elections committee

Ratification Update, Article 23

Ratification Update, Article 23

I would like to announce the results of the ratification of Article 23.



Total Ballots-444

Invalid Ballots-81

Your one time payment will appear in your January 29, 2021 check. I would like to thank the Election Committee for organizing the ratification and thank those members and people on the bargaining unit that showed up to help, witness or assist in the ratification over the last five weeks. We also had members show up to organize and count ballots tonight, we all owe a debt to them for taking their evening and donating it to the union. The union cannot do its work without volunteers when needed. I know your free time is valuable and those of us who serve as officers and on Council we give you our thanks for the time you spend bargaining our contract, representing us in grievances, and showing up on short notice to count ratification ballots.

This is your union working for you. If you haven’t considered it please think about ways you can volunteer and help your union, help your co-workers and contribute to making UCF a better workplace.

In solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President

Ratification Update

Ratification Update

Get Your Ballot in the Mail

There are only a few days left if you haven’t voted. Get your ballot in the mail ASAP to meet the Wednesday January 27 at 5pm deadline. All ballots must be in the PO Box by that day and time to be eligible.

Ballot Counting Volunteers

We need volunteers to help us count the ballots and witness the ballot count. This is open to anyone in the Bargaining Unit one does not have to be a union member to participate in the counting of ballots for ratification of Article 23: Salaries.

We need people to come to the Oviedo Post Office at 5pm on Wednesday January 27 to witness the removal and transport of the ballots from the Post Office to the counting site.

We need people to help us count the ballots at the Ballot Counting Meeting January 27 at Holiday Inn-the Sapphire Room (1724 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826), 6-8:30 pm. We also need two witnesses willing to watch and sign off on the counting.

All of this will be done with precautions including masks and social distancing at least six feet apart.

If you are interested and can do any of these activities please email me at president@uffucf.org.

Ballot Counting Meeting

We will have two ways for you to view the counting of ballots at the meeting. Please check your email or contact prsident@uffucf.org for more information on this.

Article 23 Ratification and a Few Thoughts

Article 23 Ratification and a Few Thoughts

We return to campus this week. We return to campus in an environment and atmosphere that seems to be constantly changing. Before I get to the mundane and routine act of sending out a regular reminder of the upcoming mail ratification I want to share some things that union members have been sending me that are on their minds as we return to the spring semester.

Insurrection at the Nation’s Capitol

Some of you sent me emails about the attempted insurrection to overturn the November election at the Nation’s Capital during the certification of the electoral college votes affirming President Elect Joseph Biden’s election as our next President. Not only am I a historian but I am finishing my next book length manuscript on the right to vote in Florida which I plan to submit for publication this spring semester. The current title of this project is “Black Voters, White Lies: The Right to Vote in Florida.” We have witnessed the President, his advisors and lawmakers tell lies about voter fraud. They have pointed to places with concentrated urban centers (like Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Phoenix) as loci of voting “irregularities” and also home to large numbers of African Americans and other minority populations. This is a familiar tune that politicians and anti-democracy advocates have been singing for centuries now. The anti-democracy insurrections caused five deaths at the Capital, five deaths because of a lie. In a Charles Blow column published yesterday he pointed to a quote from Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation concerning the insurrection. That quote I would like to share, “the ideal of democracy is the greatest threat to the ideology of white supremacy; neither can long endure in the presence of the other. That is why today—and every day—we must renew our commitment to protect our democratic values and institutions from all enemies, foreign and domestic, especially those falsely disguised as patriots.”

Center for Disease Control and Prevention Publicize New Study

Some members of our union pointed out to me the following study published on January 8, 2021 on the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Researcher involved in this study conducted between July 6- September 17, 2020 concluded that, “U.S. counties with large colleges or universities with remote instruction (n = 22) experienced a 17.9% decrease in incidence and university counties with in-person instruction (n = 79) experienced a 56% increase in incidence, comparing the 21-day periods before and after classes started.” I know that the new return to campus policies and increase in in-person instructions have been on your mind. The union is in dialog with UCF still concerning these policies and we will continue these conversations. We hope the administration has also seen this study, if not we will be sure to bring it to their attention.

Voting Instructions

You should have received your ballots in the mail by now or soon will. To save money we printed the instructions on the front side of the ballot. Some of you may want to have the instructions separate so we posted the link to the instructions to the ballot on the UFF-UCF webpage here.

Information on the Article?

All information about Article 23 and its various versions are available on the UFF-UCF Bargaining page. Please take special note of the version with track changes if you want to see what was added and removed from previous versions. The final version is also located on that page.

Article 23 Ratification Town Hall Today at 7pm on Zoom

We will host an Article 23 Ratification Town Hall meeting on Zoom on Monday January 11 at 7pm. This is not related to the Full Book Town Hall meeting this week. The Ratification Town Hall meeting will only address any wording related to the article that needs to be cleared up so you can make an informed decision when you vote. We are prohibited from speaking or hosting a discussion of how you should vote, this is only to clear up language. For a link to this Town Hall please email me and I will send you the Zoom information.  If you cannot attend or have questions related or unrelated to language please email me Robert Cassanello at president@uffucf.org.


Official announcement for mail ratification December 28th (Periodic reminders to follow)

Ballots mailed out January 6th

Town Hall on January 11 at 7pm-registration information TBA

Ballots due by January 27th-5pm

Ballot Counting Meeting January 27 at Holiday Inn, 6-8:30 pm

Notify UCF of results January 28 at 9am

The original announcement about the mail ratification is at this link here.

Ratification Update, Article 23

Ratification Voting Instructions

On December 18, 2020, the United Faculty of Florida at UCF and the UCF Board of Trustees reached tentative agreement on Article 23: Salaries. Faculty will now vote whether to ratify this tentative agreement. The entire Bargaining Unit is eligible to vote, whether a member of the union or not. Again, this vote is open to all 1,652 faculty in the bargaining unit, regardless of whether you are a dues-paying member. This ratification vote will be mail-in only.

Instructions for voting are as follows:

  1. Mark your ballot (reverse side). Your vote is anonymous. Do not put your name on the
  2. Fold your ballot into the blank blue envelope and seal it. Do not write your name on this envelope.
  3. Put the sealed blue envelope into the self-addressed stamped envelope. Properly add your addresses as the return address to the self-addressed envelope. Write your name on the back of the outer envelope and also sign it along the seal on the back. This will be used to verify your eligibility to vote, so please print your name legibly. The self-addressed stamped envelope as this address on it which will come to us for counting:

UFF-UCF Elections Committee Chair
PO Box 622645
Oviedo, FL 32762-2645

  1. Ballots must be received by Monday, January 27 at 5:00 p.m.

If a majority vote “yes,” the article will be adopted immediately upon ratification by UCF’s Board of Trustees.

If a majority vote “no,” bargaining teams for both sides will return to the bargaining table and continue negotiating.

Ballots will be mailed to your home address on January 6. Please verify that your home address is accurate in MyUCF. If you moved recently, please email me your correct address and update your address in MyUCF. Dr. Nina Orlovskaya, the Elections Committee Chair, will open the PO Box to collect envelopes at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27 at the Oviedo Post Office, 83 Geneva Drive, Oviedo, FL 32765. The ballots will be counted on the same day at the Holiday Inn, Sapphire Ballroom 1724 N. Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. All faculty (including both dues-paying members and non-members) or representatives thereof are welcome to attend and observe the process. We will follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19, so plan to wear a face mask and observe physical distancing during ballot counting.

Improperly submitted ballots will be reviewed by the Elections Committee Chair, and each will receive a written explanation as to whether it was counted, not counted, or not counted with contingency.

Preface: Since April 2020, the UFF-UCF have been negotiating Article 23 Salaries on your behalf. UFF has fought for wage increases, additional excellence awards for research, and for clarification regarding administrative salary stipends. Our salary proposals are available online at our website uffucf.org. The audio and Zoom recordings are available at collective collectivebargaining.ucf.edu, or you may request them from the administration, cpiper@ucf.edu.

This BOT team’s proposal is the first one that has any monetary compensation, a one-time payment of $1,200. Below is a summary and rationale for the ratification of Article 23 Salaries.

Article 23 – Salaries

Summary: 23.3(b) Provides for a $1,200 one-time payment to be distributed 1/29/2021 to Bargaining Unit Members employed since 6/20/2020 and who earn Satisfactory or above on their 2019-2020 annual evaluation. No permanent salary increase is included and only one Research Excellence university award will continue to be available.Rationale: Ratifying this agreement will conclude salary negotiations for 2019-2020, and offer some financial compensation to all members of the Bargaining Unit during a time of economic contraction owed to a global pandemic.

Ratification Update

Mail Ratification and Updates-Article 23

This is a reminder about the mail ratification process for Article 23 that was negotiated on December 18, 2020 along with some updates.

Information on the Article?

All information about Article 23 and its various versions are available on the UFF-UCF Bargaining page. Please take special note of the version with track changes if you want to see what was added and removed from previous versions. The final version is also located on that page.

Why Mail Ratification?

Recently, we have ratified MOUs through online ratifications. To do that we needed a wavier from Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC). Online ratifications and elections are prohibited by various labor governing bodies. We have been getting exemptions because of the pandemic but we can only apply for an exemption when we have something to ratify. The process for an exemption can take 6-8 weeks and there is no guarantee that PERC will approve our request. Thus the quickest way to ratify this article is through mail ballot since we cannot ratify in person on campus and include people who have an exemption from returning to campus in the spring. Mail ratification is the only way to include everyone in the bargaining unit. In future should the pandemic continue and we need to ratify articles unrelated to financial payments to our Bargaining Unit we will return to PERC for such permission for online ratifications.

Article 23 Ratification Town Hall

We will host an Article 23 Ratification Town Hall meeting on Zoom on Monday January 11 at 7pm. This is not related to the Full Book Town Hall meeting this week. The Ratification Town Hall meeting will only address any wording related to the article that needs to be cleared up so you can make an informed decision when you vote. We are prohibited from speaking or hosting a discussion of how you should vote, this is only to clear up language. For a link to this Town Hall please email me and I will send you the Zoom information.  If you cannot attend or have questions related or unrelated to language please email me Robert Cassanello at president@uffucf.org.

Mail Ballots

Mail ballots are in the mail and I expect everyone to receive them by the end of this week. By Monday January 11th if you have not received your ballot please email me and I will send you a replacement ballot. If you have moved recently and your MyUCF was not updated or unsure if I have the correct address for you then contact me. If you are staying somewhere other than your home address contact me with your current address. You can email me Robert Cassanello at president@uffucf.org.

Original Announcement Mail Ratification for Article 23 from 12-28-2020

This is the official announcement that we will be having a mail ratification for Article 23, recently bargained by the UFF-UCF Bargaining Team. I will send out reminder announcements out as well in the new year.  I ask that you look over the tentative agreement for Article 23:Salaries. If you go to our website under “Proposals for 2020-2021 Negotiations” you will see the previous versions of this proposal so you can see what is different from past iterations. If you have any questions please let me know and I will address them. On January 11th at 7pm we will host a Townhall on Zoom to answer questions about the wording of Article 23 if you would like some clarification before you cast your ballot, open to anyone in the bargaining unit whether a member of the union or not. Details for how to join the Townhall will be forthcoming in a future announcement.

On December 18, 2020, the United Faculty of Florida at UCF and the UCF Board of Trustees reached tentative agreement on Article 23: Salaries. Faculty will now vote whether to ratify this tentative agreement. The entire Bargaining Unit is eligible to vote, whether a member of the union or not. Again, this vote is open to all 1,652 faculty in the bargaining unit, regardless of whether you are a dues-paying member. This ratification vote will be mail-in only.

If a majority vote “yes,” the article will be adopted immediately upon ratification by UCF’s Board of Trustees.

If a majority vote “no,” bargaining teams for both sides will return to the bargaining table and continue negotiating.

Ballots will be mailed to your home address on January 6, included will be the instructions, ballot, a smaller ballot envelope and a self addressed stamped envelope to our PO Box. Please verify that your home address is accurate in my.ucf, if it is not please email me your updated mailing address. Also, please update your address in my.ucf. Dr. Nina Orlovskaya, the Elections Committee Chair, will open the PO Box to collect envelopes at 5:00 p.m. on Wedenday, January 27 at the Oviedo Post Office, 83 Geneva Drive, Oviedo, FL 32765. The ballots will be counted on the same day at the Holiday Inn, Sapphire Ballroom 1724 N. Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. All faculty (including both dues-paying members and non-members) or representatives thereof are welcome to attend and observe the process. We will follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19, so plan to wear a face mask and observe physical distancing during ballot counting.

Improperly submitted ballots will be reviewed by the Elections Committee Chair, and each will receive a written explanation as to whether it was counted, not counted, or not counted with contingency.

Preface: Since April 2020, the UFF-UCF have been negotiating Article 23 Salaries on your behalf. UFF has fought for wage increases, additional excellent awards for research, and for clarification regarding administrative salary stipends. Our salary proposals are available online at our website uffucf.org. The audio and Zoom recordings are available at collective collectivebargaining.ucf.edu, or you may request them from the administration, cpiper@ucf.edu.

This BOT team’s proposal is the first one that has any monetary compensation, a one-time payment of $1,200. Below is a summary and rationale for the ratification of Article 23 Salaries.

Article 23 – Salaries

Summary: 23.3(b) Provides for a $1,200 one-time payment to be distributed 1/29/2021 to Bargaining Unit Members employed since 6/20/2020 and who earn Satisfactory or above on their 2019-2020 annual evaluation. No permanent salary increase is included and only one Research Excellence university award will continue to be available.

Rationale: Ratifying this agreement will conclude salary negotiations for 2019-2020, and offers some financial compensation to all members of the Bargaining Unit during a time of economic contraction owed to a global pandemic.


Official announcement for mail ratification December 28th (Periodic reminders to follow)

Ballots mailed out January 6th

Town Hall on January 11 at 7pm-registration information TBA

Ballots due by January 27th-5pm

Ballot Counting Meeting January 27 at Holiday Inn, 6-8:30 pm

Notify UCF of results January 28 at 9am