Spring COVID Return to Campus Policy

Spring COVID Return to Campus Policy

We wanted to update everyone in the Bargaining Unit. While we have requested a meeting with Interim Provost Mike Johnson to discuss our concerns about the spring return to campus policies, we have yet to hear from him. We have heard from many of you about your personal concerns and the anxiety these revised policies have had on members of the Bargaining Unit.

Because we consider the proposed new process to create unsafe working conditions for a substantial number of employees, we have filed a Chapter Grievance alleging that UCF is in violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). We will withdraw this grievance filed on your behalf should the UCF administration, in a timely manner, rescind and revise these policies with faculty feedback, with consideration of CDC guidelines and scientific evidence, and without violation of the CBA.

We ask the administration – to take seriously the significant health risks during the ongoing pandemic and what these risks mean for all employees and their loved ones. We understand the ground is continually shifting because the objectives of state lawmakers and those of the universities are at times at odds. We nonetheless hope that at this critical moment UCF administration will listen to the faculty and act with the wellbeing of all of us in mind.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF

Claudia Schippert
Grievance Chair, UFF-UCF

COVID-19 Members Message from UFF-UCF President

COVID-19 Members Message from UFF-UCF President

I know there is a lot of anxiety currently with the Covid-19 policies and the shifting nature of the pandemic and how our various institutions are responding to it.

You might be asking yourself what you can do? Here are some items to consider.

The Faculty Survey

The Faculty Senate launched a new survey. It closes out tomorrow Tuesday 20th of October at 8pm. I encourage you to to fill this survey out if you have not already. Let’s support the Faculty Senate’s efforts in tracking and voicing your concerns about Covid-19 policies.

Welcome to the Faculty Senate COVID-19 Campus Safety Survey.

By filling out this new survey, you play a critical role in helping plan how UCF will continue to stay safe in the coming spring semester. We realize that many decisions have already been made related to how UCF will function during the next semester(s), but many other decisions will be forthcoming in which faculty can continue to provide a voice. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Here’s the link: https://ucf.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0NiZwBpKrNeFSZv

Board of Trustees Meeting Thursday October 22

You can attend the BOT meeting this Thursday there will be a 15 minute period of public comments, we hope some of those comments will address these concerns. Public comments are at the beginning of the meeting, the third item, please check the agenda.


United Faculty of Florida has launched a petition drive to address the return to campus for the spring. Please look over the petition and consider signing it and sharing it on social media and with people in your personal network. You can find links to the petition at the UFF-UCF website.

The AFT Trauma Counseling Program

I alerted you to the following Counseling program in an email update at the beginning of the month, please check it out if you feel you qualify and make be in need of assistance.

I want to bring your attention to the AFT Trauma Counseling Program. I was alerted to this program for all eligible members who might wish to get counseling or therapy related trauma related to the pressures or stress of COVID. You can learn more about the program here.

If you are UFF member you are also a AFT member so if you are interested in the program it is available to you.

In solidarity,

Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President



As of October 9th, 213,000 American lives have been lost to Covid-19 and the numbers are projected to double by the end of the year. With no approved vaccine in sight, fully reopening campuses is irresponsible, dangerous, and puts our students, faculty, and communities at risk.

We demand that Governor Ron DeSantis:

  1. Implement statewide safety protocols, including testing and tracking mandates, for colleges and universities.
  2. Delay implementation of his “Bill of Rights to Party” until the majority of scientists, medical professionals, and the CDC say it is safe.
  3. Implement rational mandates for attendance in stadiums and at other public gatherings to prevent further super-spreader events on our campuses and in our communities.
  4. Include input from faculty leaders, epidemiologists, and public health experts.


  1. Sign and Share our Statewide Petition  use our hashtag #StopTheDeSanity
  2. Call Governor Ron DeSantis at (850) 717-9337. Demand a safe reopening of our college and university campuses. Use demands listed above.
  3. Get your Students out to Vote!

From now until Nov. 3rd, make GOTV announcements in your virtual classrooms.

Provide students the information they need to vote by mail, vote early, and vote in person!

Find your SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS by visiting the Florida Elections website

Proposed Changes to UCF’s Reporting of Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research

Proposed Changes to UCF’s Reporting of Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research

Statement of the UFF-UCF Executive on the Proposed Changes to UCF’s Reporting of Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research

4-504.3 DRAFT Reporting Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research

We, the UFF-UCF Executive, have reviewed the proposed changes to the University’s Reporting of Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research.

In our view, this revision proposes a gross overreach of compliance policy, a fundamental misinterpretation of what constitutes an institutional conflict of interest, and a poor balancing of competing values. The revisions imply that faculty would need to report in advance, or worse yet ask permission, every time we review a manuscript, serve on an editorial board, do a presentation for a child’s school, give an uncompensated invited talk to a community group, et cetera. It is clear that the staff authors of this policy-change have a poor understanding of what faculty do and some of the newly proposed mandated reporting duplicates relevant work already accounted for in the faculty annual report where all service and outside activities are listed. While the stated goal of the policy is to build institutional trust (alongside the unstated goal of minimizing institutional risk) the policy itself belies a failure to trust faculty in the first place. Threatening up to 60 days of unpaid suspension for non-compliance with completely unreasonable demands sets the stage for  institutional abuse of power. Policies that mandate compliance out of fear are bad policies.  More thoughtful revisions are needed and must involve communication with affected faculty and researchers: the proposed revised policy should not be approved.

If you haven’t done so please go to the comments section and provide your concerns about this change in policy. This administration needs to hear from each and everyone of you with your concerns. We only have a 14 day window to comment and this was first made public on October 6, so we recommend you comment by October 19.

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello, UFF-UCF President
Beatriz Reyes-Foster, UFF-UCF Vice President
Michael Armato, UFF-UCF Secretary
Jonathan Beever, UFF-UCF Treasurer

UPDATE (13 October 2020)

UCF University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Office withdrew the 4-504.3 DRAFT Reporting Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research from this month’s agenda. I have been told they will be reviewing all comments and concerns raised during the past week and will consult on next steps. The office expects to return a draft policy for comments during a new 14 day period. 

Proposed Changes to UCF’s Reporting of Outside Activities, Financial Interests and Potential Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment in Research

Remembering Pat Angley

The UFF-UCF community is saddened to hear of the passing of Professor Pat Angley in the English Department. Pat served on the UFF Council and on the UCF chapter Membership Committee for many years. She was a strong supporter of faculty throughout UCF and a crucial part in the necessary work of maintaining the union. For many UFF-UCF members, the first official communication they received upon joining was from Pat, welcoming them into our organization and encouraging them to get more involved in faculty rights and shared governance. All this volunteer work was in addition to her extensive efforts as a leader in the English Department and to her dedication to teaching. All of us on Council enjoyed working with her, and we will miss her greatly.
By Yan Fernandez

You can leave a message online to Pat’s family here.
For those interested in supporting Pat’s memory with a donation to the UCF Foundation in Pat’s name the information is below:
Mailed cash or checks:
Please send checks to the UCF Advancement Office: 12424 Research Parkway, Suite 250, Orlando, FL 32826. Note in the memo portion of the check that this gift is for “English Department – in memory of Pat Angley.”

Give Online:
Go to the Foundation Giving Page: https://www.ucffoundation.org/givenow
Under “Create Your Gift” → Choose the Search box and type in “English” to choose the “English Department” fund.
Under “Gift Details” → Click drop down to add that the gift is in “Memory of Someone” and type in “Pat Angley.”

COVID-19 Members Message from UFF-UCF President

Statement on Code of Conduct

As we have begun our union work this year on behalf of our members, we wanted to take the time to repeat a message we’ve offered before. We value and respect the work of our members and union leaders who have served in the past and who continue to serve our UCF community with dignity and respect for the sake of justice and the common good.

A union is not only built upon united and common purpose but also mutual respect and understanding. We the Executive Officers of UFF-UCF point to the UCF Code of Conduct and concur that “We do not tolerate harassment, mistreatment, belittling, harming, or taking advantage of others.” We acknowledge and respect the hard work of our members who give part of their salaries so the entire bargaining unit is represented. But most of all we are in debt to the members who volunteer their time to represent you at the bargaining table, in grievances, on Council, and on committees to make sure your union works for you.

Some of the people who faithfully serve you have been publicly targeted with invective and harassment. These are the very people to whom we, as a union, owe a debt of gratitude for serving tirelessly to keep our union working. We want to publicly thank Shelley Park, Jennifer Sandoval, Blake Scott and Mason Cash for serving the union, representing our bargaining unit with integrity, and putting our collective interests above their own. Without their leadership, our union would be weaker and our community less well off. We are and continue to be grateful for your time and energy!

Thank you, all.

Robert Cassanello, UFF-UCF President
Beatriz Reyes-Foster, UFF-UCF Vice President
Michael Armato, UFF-UCF Secretary
Jonathan Beever, UFF-UCF Treasurer