January 7, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm America/New York Timezone

Dear Colleagues (The entire Bargaining Unit),

As you may be aware our “full book” collective bargaining sessions begin on January 13, 2021 and continue till an agreement is reached, hopefully before the end of the 2021 academic year. This full book (CBA) will then remain active for the period 2021-2023. As your elected UFF-UCF senators we will do our best to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with UCF BOT that protects the interests of our in-unit members, be it in salaries and raises, awards and honors, or general working conditions. For the Bargaining Team to capture all important elements of  working conditions at UCF, they need to hear from you. The Bargaining Team is thus organizing a set of ZOOM Town Hall meetings to which all in-unit faculty members are invited. The first of these meetings will be held on Thursday, January 7, at 2 pm. We urge our in-unit faculty members to attend. To ensure cyber security, we are requiring you to sign up for the meeting by sending an email to either Talat Rahman (talat.s.rahman@gmail.com) or Robert Cassanello (president@uffucf.org). You will be sent a ZOOM link via return email upon request.

All feedback is welcomed and anyone in the Bargaining Unit can attend and participate whether one is a member of the union or not.

Here is a link to the CBA that was negotiated in 2019. All articles in the CBA are subject to negotiation. However, as the Bargaining Team would like to focus on those articles that need most attention, we are asking our in-unit faculty members to identify the ones that need our attention the most. Please come prepared with some suggestions to the effect.

Talat Rahman
Chair and Chief Negotiator, Bargaining Team, UFF-UCF

Full Book Bargaining Survey

If you plan to attend the Town Hall or cannot, please fill out the linked survey to share your feedback with the Bargaining Team. The survey is here. It is important that we get your feedback and your thoughts for the current Full Book Bargaining. You are welcomed to fill out the survey if you are in the Bargaining Unit, you don’t have to be in the union to provide feedback. Even if you have only one suggestion for the team please consider filling the form out.  We look forward to hearing from you.

The UFF-UCF Bargaining Committee